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The Working Families Party is regular people coming together across our differences to make a better future for us all. We’re a multiracial party that fights for workers over bosses and people over the powerful. We want an America which realizes the promise – unrealized in our history – of freedom and equality for all.

Statewide Ballot Measures


Vote NO on Proposition 133 to protect Arizona’s primary elections from legislative control and ensure voters are able to choose general election candidates who truly represent their values!

If passed, Proposition 133 would amend the Arizona Constitution to ensure that any legislature-enacted direct primary election law would override city charters, laws, ordinances, or policies. It also changes the requirements for candidates in direct primary elections.

This measure forces taxpayers to fund primary elections for major political parties, including those not affiliated with these parties, such as independents. It also infringes on cities' ability to manage local elections in a way that best fits their communities and ends their ability to run nonpartisan elections.

By imposing a legislatively mandated system, local governments would lose the flexibility to establish election rules tailored to their specific needs. This top-down approach weakens local control and sets a dangerous precedent of increased legislative control over local governments. The added bureaucracy of a state-mandated election process could complicate election administration, leading to inefficiencies and confusion as local officials attempt to navigate conflicting mandates between state and local policies.

Vote No on Proposition 133 to protect Arizona’s primary elections from legislative control and ensure voters are able to choose general election candidates who truly represent their values.

If passed, Proposition 133 would amend the Arizona Constitution to ensure that any legislature-enacted direct primary election law would override city charters, laws, ordinances, or policies. It also changes the requirements for candidates in direct primary elections.

This measure forces taxpayers to fund primary elections for major political parties, including those not affiliated with these parties, such as independents. It also infringes on cities' ability to manage local elections in a way that best fits their communities and ends their ability to run nonpartisan elections.

By imposing a legislatively mandated system, local governments would lose the flexibility to establish election rules tailored to their specific needs. This top-down approach weakens local control and sets a dangerous precedent of increased legislative control over local governments. The added bureaucracy of a state-mandated election process could complicate election administration, leading to inefficiencies and confusion as local officials attempt to navigate conflicting mandates between state and local policies.

Vote No on Proposition 133 to protect Arizona’s primary elections from legislative control and ensure voters are able to choose general election candidates who truly represent their values.


Jonathan Hill is a scientist, engineer, and educator at Arizona State University. As Corporation Commissioner, he promises to advocate to protect hardworking Arizonans from unnecessary and excessive rate hikes and to prioritize groundwater management issues in rural areas. His platform also includes climate resiliency, solar-industry jobs, and cybersecurity. Hill is running as a Clean Elections Candidate and refuses to take money from special interests and corporate entities. He is also endorsed by Sierra Club, Climate Cabinet, Natl. Organization for Women (NOW), Indivisible AZ, and AFL-CIO.

Jonathan Hill is a scientist, engineer, and educator at Arizona State University. As Corporation Commissioner, he promises to advocate to protect hardworking Arizonans from unnecessary and excessive rate hikes and to prioritize groundwater management issues in rural areas. His platform also includes climate resiliency, solar-industry jobs, and cybersecurity. Hill is running as a Clean Elections Candidate and refuses to take money from special interests and corporate entities. He is also endorsed by Sierra Club, Climate Cabinet, Natl. Organization for Women (NOW), Indivisible AZ, and AFL-CIO.

Ylenia Aguilar has served as a Governing Board Member in the Osborn School District, a trustee on the Vitalyst Health Foundation Board, and is a member of the Central Arizona Water Conservation District. As a Corporation Commissioner, she promises to fight for renewable energy resources and consumer protections. She is running as a Clean Elections Candidate and refuses to take money from special interests and corporate entities. Aguilar is also endorsed by multiple progressive state legislators, mayors, and many other Arizona community leaders.

Ylenia Aguilar has served as a Governing Board Member in the Osborn School District, a trustee on the Vitalyst Health Foundation Board, and is a member of the Central Arizona Water Conservation District. As a Corporation Commissioner, she promises to fight for renewable energy resources and consumer protections. She is running as a Clean Elections Candidate and refuses to take money from special interests and corporate entities. Aguilar is also endorsed by multiple progressive state legislators, mayors, and many other Arizona community leaders.

State Legislature

Legislative District 2

Rep. Judy Schwiebert is a lifelong educator who was first elected to the Arizona Legislature in 2022. In her first term, she directed federal dollars to preschool programs for at-risk children and families and sponsored a bipartisan adult education bill to allow Arizonans to lift themselves out of poverty, and provide employers with an educated workforce. This past session, Schwiebert sponsored bills to increase salaries for all educators without raising a penny in taxes, increase the supply of school counselors, and address student and community safety. She has also sponsored legislation to improve healthcare by making genetic testing available to help prevent cancer and by capping prescription drug prices. Lastly, Schwiebert has worked to address the housing and homelessness crisis by prioritizing investments in affordable and emergency housing and protecting condo owners from losing their homes to out-of-state corporations. If re-elected, Rep. Schwiebert is committed to continuing her previous work, as well as expanding funding for public education, regaining reproductive freedom, and protecting workers. She is endorsed by AEA, Moms Demand Action, AFL-CIO, Sierra Club, EMILY’s List, Worker Power, HRC, CHISPA, Everytown for Gun Safety, and many more, as well as family physicians, nurses, and firefighters unions.

Rep. Judy Schwiebert is a lifelong educator who was first elected to the Arizona Legislature in 2022. In her first term, she directed federal dollars to preschool programs for at-risk children and families and sponsored a bipartisan adult education bill to allow Arizonans to lift themselves out of poverty, and provide employers with an educated workforce. This past session, Schwiebert sponsored bills to increase salaries for all educators without raising a penny in taxes, increase the supply of school counselors, and address student and community safety. She has also sponsored legislation to improve healthcare by making genetic testing available to help prevent cancer and by capping prescription drug prices. Lastly, Schwiebert has worked to address the housing and homelessness crisis by prioritizing investments in affordable and emergency housing and protecting condo owners from losing their homes to out-of-state corporations. If re-elected, Rep. Schwiebert is committed to continuing her previous work, as well as expanding funding for public education, regaining reproductive freedom, and protecting workers. She is endorsed by AEA, Moms Demand Action, AFL-CIO, Sierra Club, EMILY’s List, Worker Power, HRC, CHISPA, Everytown for Gun Safety, and many more, as well as family physicians, nurses, and firefighters unions.

Legislative District 9

Rep. Lorena Austin is a fifth-generation Arizonan, community organizer, and former educator from Mesa who was first elected to the Arizona House of Representatives in 2022, where they sit on the Arizona State House Commerce and Appropriations committees and serve as Secretary of the Latino Caucus and the LGBTQ+ Caucus. In the legislature, they have fought to protect access to abortion, invest in affordable housing, and expand access to higher education. In 2024, Austin also secured legislation to provide a $40 million investment in tuition aid for Arizonans. If re-elected, they pledge to continue fighting for public education funding, voting rights, reproductive rights, housing, and water conservation, and to continue to combat the multiple anti-LGBTQ+ bills at the Legislature. Rep. Austin is the first nonbinary legislator in Arizona, and the first Chicane nonbinary legislator in the country. They are endorsed by Planned Parenthood, Moms Demand Action, Our Voice Our Vote, HRC, AEA, AFL-CIO, ArMPAC, Climate Cabinet, Working Families Party, EMILY's List, NARAL, Forward Majority, and many others.

Rep. Lorena Austin is a fifth-generation Arizonan, community organizer, and former educator from Mesa who was first elected to the Arizona House of Representatives in 2022, where they sit on the Arizona State House Commerce and Appropriations committees and serve as Secretary of the Latino Caucus and the LGBTQ+ Caucus. In the legislature, they have fought to protect access to abortion, invest in affordable housing, and expand access to higher education. In 2024, Austin also secured legislation to provide a $40 million investment in tuition aid for Arizonans. If re-elected, they pledge to continue fighting for public education funding, voting rights, reproductive rights, housing, and water conservation, and to continue to combat the multiple anti-LGBTQ+ bills at the Legislature. Rep. Austin is the first nonbinary legislator in Arizona, and the first Chicane nonbinary legislator in the country. They are endorsed by Planned Parenthood, Moms Demand Action, Our Voice Our Vote, HRC, AEA, AFL-CIO, ArMPAC, Climate Cabinet, Working Families Party, EMILY's List, NARAL, Forward Majority, and many others.

City of Phoenix, District 7

Anna Hernandez is a strong leader and effective community organizer. As a state senator, she led the way in passing legislation to make housing more affordable for Arizonans. She is a problem solver who will bring a unique perspective and history of passing bipartisan solutions to this office. If elected, Hernandez pledges to address housing affordability and the climate crisis, and to approach public safety by addressing the root causes of crime. Her vision is to strengthen community engagement to create a more equitable and vibrant city.

Anna Hernandez is a strong leader and effective community organizer. As a state senator, she led the way in passing legislation to make housing more affordable for Arizonans. She is a problem solver who will bring a unique perspective and history of passing bipartisan solutions to this office. If elected, Hernandez pledges to address housing affordability and the climate crisis, and to approach public safety by addressing the root causes of crime. Her vision is to strengthen community engagement to create a more equitable and vibrant city.