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Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates

Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates Endorsements

Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates, Serving AK, HI, ID, IN, KY, and WA (PPAA) protects and promotes reproductive health, rights and justice. We do this by advocating for public policies that guarantee the right to choice and full and non-discriminatory access to reproductive health care, and fostering and preserving a social and political climate favorable to the exercise of reproductive choice through voter education, candidate endorsement and other means.

King County

Depending on where you live, you may have the below county races on your ballot.

King County Executive Dow Constantine has been a strong and effective leader for economic justice, workers, and climate action throughout his career. As a state legislator, on the King County Council, and as King County Executive, Constantine has fought for and delivered transportation and transit solutions, action on climate, improvements in public health, and an efficiently run government.

Under his leadership, King County has expanded Metro transit service, improved oil safety rules, and created one of the best urban forestry programs in the nation. Constantine also led efforts to pass Best Starts for Kids, a model initiative that increases access to healthy food, affordable housing, and public health services for many of King County's most vulnerable children.

Constantine is now running for a fourth term as King County Executive to build on a pandemic recovery that puts people first and creates inclusive communities. If he is re-elected, one of Constantine's priorities will be to reform the King County Sheriff's Office. During our interview, he expressed his frustration at the challenges of getting answers or reforms out of the current independent sheriff's office. As the county shifts to an executive-appointed sheriff, which voters approved last fall, Constantine said he will push for more transparency and demand that officers wear body cameras.

In addition, Constantine is hoping to continue and expand his efforts to open more hotels to house homeless residents of King County. He expressed pride in a new zero-emissions, low-income housing development in Renton and hopes to expand that model across the county.

Constantine has faced some criticism during his tenure around the building of the $242 million King County Youth Detention Center, which voters approved in 2012 and opened in 2018. During the protests for racial justice last summer, Constantine announced his support for transitioning the jail away from holding youth by 2025.

Constantine has earned overwhelming support from our Progressive Voters Guide partner organizations as well as elected and community leaders. He is the best choice in this race.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

King County Executive Dow Constantine has been a strong and effective leader for economic justice, workers, and climate action throughout his career. As a state legislator, on the King County Council, and as King County Executive, Constantine has fought for and delivered transportation and transit solutions, action on climate, improvements in public health, and an efficiently run government.

Under his leadership, King County has expanded Metro transit service, improved oil safety rules, and created one of the best urban forestry programs in the nation. Constantine also led efforts to pass Best Starts for Kids, a model initiative that increases access to healthy food, affordable housing, and public health services for many of King County's most vulnerable children.

Constantine is now running for a fourth term as King County Executive to build on a pandemic recovery that puts people first and creates inclusive communities. If he is re-elected, one of Constantine's priorities will be to reform the King County Sheriff's Office. During our interview, he expressed his frustration at the challenges of getting answers or reforms out of the current independent sheriff's office. As the county shifts to an executive-appointed sheriff, which voters approved last fall, Constantine said he will push for more transparency and demand that officers wear body cameras.

In addition, Constantine is hoping to continue and expand his efforts to open more hotels to house homeless residents of King County. He expressed pride in a new zero-emissions, low-income housing development in Renton and hopes to expand that model across the county.

Constantine has faced some criticism during his tenure around the building of the $242 million King County Youth Detention Center, which voters approved in 2012 and opened in 2018. During the protests for racial justice last summer, Constantine announced his support for transitioning the jail away from holding youth by 2025.

Constantine has earned overwhelming support from our Progressive Voters Guide partner organizations as well as elected and community leaders. He is the best choice in this race.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

County Council District Races

Depending on the county district you live in, you may have the following races on your ballot.

King County, District 1

Incumbent Rod Dembowski is an attorney who has represented District 1 since 2013. He has served in county affairs in several capacities, including as a pro bono counsel for the King County Superior Court, policy analyst in the county executive's office, and special prosecuting attorney.

If re-elected, Dembowski will continue working on sustainable human services funding, protecting the wild areas of the Puget Sound region, and looking for sustainable transit funding that improves transportation options. He also wants to expand housing with an eye on reducing commute times and increasing affordability for workers and families. While on the council, Dembowski has sponsored several progressive reforms, including giving grocery workers hazard pay in the pandemic and moving to make the sheriff an appointed position through the council and an advisory committee.

Challenging Dembowski is Kenmore resident and first-time candidate Sally Caverzan. According to her LinkedIn, she has worked as a long-term care social worker and is passionate about the environment. Her official voters' guide statement says that she would support instituting term limits for politicians, expanding mental health and addiction care with the creation of a King County regional treatment facility, and increasing supportive and permanent housing.

Dembowski has earned broad support from elected officials, reproductive health and environmental organizations, labor unions, and many more. We recommend Dembowski for King County Council in District 1 because of his proven track record of progressive leadership.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Incumbent Rod Dembowski is an attorney who has represented District 1 since 2013. He has served in county affairs in several capacities, including as a pro bono counsel for the King County Superior Court, policy analyst in the county executive's office, and special prosecuting attorney.

If re-elected, Dembowski will continue working on sustainable human services funding, protecting the wild areas of the Puget Sound region, and looking for sustainable transit funding that improves transportation options. He also wants to expand housing with an eye on reducing commute times and increasing affordability for workers and families. While on the council, Dembowski has sponsored several progressive reforms, including giving grocery workers hazard pay in the pandemic and moving to make the sheriff an appointed position through the council and an advisory committee.

Challenging Dembowski is Kenmore resident and first-time candidate Sally Caverzan. According to her LinkedIn, she has worked as a long-term care social worker and is passionate about the environment. Her official voters' guide statement says that she would support instituting term limits for politicians, expanding mental health and addiction care with the creation of a King County regional treatment facility, and increasing supportive and permanent housing.

Dembowski has earned broad support from elected officials, reproductive health and environmental organizations, labor unions, and many more. We recommend Dembowski for King County Council in District 1 because of his proven track record of progressive leadership.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

King County, District 3

Sarah Perry is a small business owner, nonprofit fundraiser, and Democratic activist who is challenging incumbent Kathy Lambert for King County Council in District 3. Perry has years of experience building financial support for nonprofits and universities in the Puget Sound area.

Perry is running on a platform of supporting small businesses, protecting farmlands and the environment, and improving transportation. In particular, she wants to provide more support for the 40% of the district in unincorporated King County that can't rely on city leadership for investments and infrastructure. In our interview with Perry, she presented a detailed overview of her campaign as a strong advocate for growth management. She wants to promote urban forests, preserve the district's natural areas, usher in alternative energy sources, and improve wastewater and storm runoff in open spaces. Perry also wants to see an equity lens brought to COVID recovery, ensuring that new modes of transit are brought to the district, supporting behavioral health, and assisting those struggling with affordable housing.

While the King County Council is officially non-partisan, Perry's opponent, longtime Republican Kathy Lambert, has lost touch with this diverse and rapidly changing district. Lambert has voted against transit access for years, including voting to end Seattle's downtown free-ride zone. She also voted against making the county sheriff an appointed position, which was proposed to give the council and county executive more oversight in the wake of protests against police brutality. Lambert was the only "no" vote on the 2019 bill to use state money to fund early learning, post-secondary education, and in-home care providers.


Lambert received broad criticism in early October for a mail piece from her campaign that singled out the only Black member of the King County Council with fear-mongering and divisive language. All six Democrats on the council, as well as King County Executive Dow Constantine, denounced the attack and said it has no place in our public discourse. 


We need to elect leaders who will bring people together to create meaningful change, not tear each other down and divide us with hateful rhetoric. Perry's extensive civic engagement and track record of collaboration has earned her overwhelming support from community leaders and progressive organizations. Vote for Perry for new progressive leadership on the King County Council from District 3.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Sarah Perry is a small business owner, nonprofit fundraiser, and Democratic activist who is challenging incumbent Kathy Lambert for King County Council in District 3. Perry has years of experience building financial support for nonprofits and universities in the Puget Sound area.

Perry is running on a platform of supporting small businesses, protecting farmlands and the environment, and improving transportation. In particular, she wants to provide more support for the 40% of the district in unincorporated King County that can't rely on city leadership for investments and infrastructure. In our interview with Perry, she presented a detailed overview of her campaign as a strong advocate for growth management. She wants to promote urban forests, preserve the district's natural areas, usher in alternative energy sources, and improve wastewater and storm runoff in open spaces. Perry also wants to see an equity lens brought to COVID recovery, ensuring that new modes of transit are brought to the district, supporting behavioral health, and assisting those struggling with affordable housing.

While the King County Council is officially non-partisan, Perry's opponent, longtime Republican Kathy Lambert, has lost touch with this diverse and rapidly changing district. Lambert has voted against transit access for years, including voting to end Seattle's downtown free-ride zone. She also voted against making the county sheriff an appointed position, which was proposed to give the council and county executive more oversight in the wake of protests against police brutality. Lambert was the only "no" vote on the 2019 bill to use state money to fund early learning, post-secondary education, and in-home care providers.


Lambert received broad criticism in early October for a mail piece from her campaign that singled out the only Black member of the King County Council with fear-mongering and divisive language. All six Democrats on the council, as well as King County Executive Dow Constantine, denounced the attack and said it has no place in our public discourse. 


We need to elect leaders who will bring people together to create meaningful change, not tear each other down and divide us with hateful rhetoric. Perry's extensive civic engagement and track record of collaboration has earned her overwhelming support from community leaders and progressive organizations. Vote for Perry for new progressive leadership on the King County Council from District 3.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

King County, District 5

Dr. Shukri Olow is a community organizer running to empower King County residents with the resources they need to thrive. As a child, Olow's family fled civil war in Somalia and spent six years in a refugee camp before finally settling in Kent when she was 10 years old. Olow credits the food bank, social workers, and Kent public housing system for helping her find opportunities, and wants to now help meet the needs of those struggling in King County. In discussions with child care providers, immigrants, small business owners, teachers, and others she has identified several ways to meet the needs of those who don't have wealth or political power.

Olow notes that the biggest driver of homelessness in the region is rent increasing faster than incomes. To beat rising costs, Olow wants to ensure that the county is funding humane, non-congregate shelters to get people out of crisis. She also wants to build supportive housing and a minimum of 37,000 units of housing which would be available to those with the lowest incomes. She wants to reimagine community safety through a public health lens and move towards investments in the community through school partnerships, workforce development, and more. Olow takes seriously the need for everyone to thrive and would work towards free transit, accessible child care and elder care, and more.

In our interview with Olow, we were impressed by her thoughtfulness, her record, and her tenacity in bringing together many voices and needs for the good of all. In this race between two progressive candidates, we recommend Olow with the support of many of our progressive partners.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Dr. Shukri Olow is a community organizer running to empower King County residents with the resources they need to thrive. As a child, Olow's family fled civil war in Somalia and spent six years in a refugee camp before finally settling in Kent when she was 10 years old. Olow credits the food bank, social workers, and Kent public housing system for helping her find opportunities, and wants to now help meet the needs of those struggling in King County. In discussions with child care providers, immigrants, small business owners, teachers, and others she has identified several ways to meet the needs of those who don't have wealth or political power.

Olow notes that the biggest driver of homelessness in the region is rent increasing faster than incomes. To beat rising costs, Olow wants to ensure that the county is funding humane, non-congregate shelters to get people out of crisis. She also wants to build supportive housing and a minimum of 37,000 units of housing which would be available to those with the lowest incomes. She wants to reimagine community safety through a public health lens and move towards investments in the community through school partnerships, workforce development, and more. Olow takes seriously the need for everyone to thrive and would work towards free transit, accessible child care and elder care, and more.

In our interview with Olow, we were impressed by her thoughtfulness, her record, and her tenacity in bringing together many voices and needs for the good of all. In this race between two progressive candidates, we recommend Olow with the support of many of our progressive partners.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

King County, District 9

Kim-Khanh Van is a current Renton City Council member who is running for King County Council in District 9 to bring her experience and dedication to the county. After her family escaped Vietnam as refugees and settled in King County, she went on to earn her doctorate and become an attorney. Van credits the community for her successes and wants to provide families and residents with healthy, livable communities that include child care access and infrastructure maintenance. Outside of her work on the city council, Van serves in a multitude of organizations, including as a PTA president, a volunteer attorney with the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, and the co-founder of AAPI Against Hate.

Van has demonstrated that she is willing to take tough public votes on behalf of the most vulnerable in the community. She was one of only two members of the Renton City Council who voted to maintain the Red Lion Hotel as a source of housing for residents experiencing homelessness. In our interview, we were impressed with her in-depth knowledge about the issue and her desire to lead as a consensus and coalition builder at the county level. She wants to do more to educate voters on the economic and social benefits of providing supportive, stable housing early, rather than jailing people experiencing homelessness.

Van has done much advocacy work for marginalized communities. She understands the struggles that the Black, Latino, and Asian-Pacific Islander communities have faced historically and in the present, and vows to continue to stand with residents to make the county a place of opportunity for all.

Her opponent is Republican incumbent Reagan Dunn, who has served on the council since he was appointed and later elected to the position in 2005. Before that, he worked as a federal prosecutor appointed by President George W. Bush and was the national coordinator of a Department of Justice program that increases policing in neighborhoods. Dunn challenged Bob Ferguson in the 2012 race for attorney general and lost.

On the council, Dunn has been a consistent voice opposing the progressive reforms proposed by the rest of the council. In March, Dunn was the lone vote against giving grocery store workers $4 per hour hazard pay for their service on the front lines of the pandemic. In addition, Dunn was a vocal opponent of streamlining homelessness services between Seattle and King County. Instead, he proposed spending $1 million of taxpayer money on bus tickets to send people experiencing homelessness to other states, another shortsighted proposal that failed to address the root causes of the issue. In this campaign, he has emphasized his prosecutorial background and longstanding support of law enforcement without talking about how to increase accountability for law enforcement.

Van's strong experience and progressive values make her the best choice for King County Council in District 9.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Kim-Khanh Van is a current Renton City Council member who is running for King County Council in District 9 to bring her experience and dedication to the county. After her family escaped Vietnam as refugees and settled in King County, she went on to earn her doctorate and become an attorney. Van credits the community for her successes and wants to provide families and residents with healthy, livable communities that include child care access and infrastructure maintenance. Outside of her work on the city council, Van serves in a multitude of organizations, including as a PTA president, a volunteer attorney with the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, and the co-founder of AAPI Against Hate.

Van has demonstrated that she is willing to take tough public votes on behalf of the most vulnerable in the community. She was one of only two members of the Renton City Council who voted to maintain the Red Lion Hotel as a source of housing for residents experiencing homelessness. In our interview, we were impressed with her in-depth knowledge about the issue and her desire to lead as a consensus and coalition builder at the county level. She wants to do more to educate voters on the economic and social benefits of providing supportive, stable housing early, rather than jailing people experiencing homelessness.

Van has done much advocacy work for marginalized communities. She understands the struggles that the Black, Latino, and Asian-Pacific Islander communities have faced historically and in the present, and vows to continue to stand with residents to make the county a place of opportunity for all.

Her opponent is Republican incumbent Reagan Dunn, who has served on the council since he was appointed and later elected to the position in 2005. Before that, he worked as a federal prosecutor appointed by President George W. Bush and was the national coordinator of a Department of Justice program that increases policing in neighborhoods. Dunn challenged Bob Ferguson in the 2012 race for attorney general and lost.

On the council, Dunn has been a consistent voice opposing the progressive reforms proposed by the rest of the council. In March, Dunn was the lone vote against giving grocery store workers $4 per hour hazard pay for their service on the front lines of the pandemic. In addition, Dunn was a vocal opponent of streamlining homelessness services between Seattle and King County. Instead, he proposed spending $1 million of taxpayer money on bus tickets to send people experiencing homelessness to other states, another shortsighted proposal that failed to address the root causes of the issue. In this campaign, he has emphasized his prosecutorial background and longstanding support of law enforcement without talking about how to increase accountability for law enforcement.

Van's strong experience and progressive values make her the best choice for King County Council in District 9.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Snohomish County, District 1

Nicole Ng-A-Qui is running for Snohomish County Council in District 1. Ng-A-Qui has owned a small business for nearly 20 years and has experience working in forestry and restoration ecology as well as education. Additionally, she served on the policy advisory council for the Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program for two years.

Ng-A-Qui’s campaign is focused on making Snohomish County a model for sustainable development, keeping forests and watersheds healthy while protecting jobs and keeping the budget balanced. She is endorsed by local leaders including county council member Megan Dunn and Rep. Emily Wicks as well as community groups including the Sauk-Suiattle Tribe and the Snohomish County Democrats.

Ng-A-Qui is challenging conservative incumbent Nate Nehring, who was elected in 2017. Nehring is campaigning to criminalize addiction and oppose greater investments in community services that would provide alternatives to law enforcement while reducing mass incarceration. Nehring is supported by staunch Republicans including Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Dave Reichert.

Ng-A-Qui is the best choice in the race for Snohomish County Council in District 1 and deserves your vote.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Nicole Ng-A-Qui is running for Snohomish County Council in District 1. Ng-A-Qui has owned a small business for nearly 20 years and has experience working in forestry and restoration ecology as well as education. Additionally, she served on the policy advisory council for the Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program for two years.

Ng-A-Qui’s campaign is focused on making Snohomish County a model for sustainable development, keeping forests and watersheds healthy while protecting jobs and keeping the budget balanced. She is endorsed by local leaders including county council member Megan Dunn and Rep. Emily Wicks as well as community groups including the Sauk-Suiattle Tribe and the Snohomish County Democrats.

Ng-A-Qui is challenging conservative incumbent Nate Nehring, who was elected in 2017. Nehring is campaigning to criminalize addiction and oppose greater investments in community services that would provide alternatives to law enforcement while reducing mass incarceration. Nehring is supported by staunch Republicans including Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Dave Reichert.

Ng-A-Qui is the best choice in the race for Snohomish County Council in District 1 and deserves your vote.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Endorsed By: Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates , SEPAC , Snohomish County Democratic Central Committee, Sauk Suiattle Tribe

Snohomish County, District 5

Brandy Donaghy is a community organizer and Navy veteran who is challenging incumbent Councilmember Sam Low for Snohomish County Council in District 5. Donaghy serves on the board of directors for the Communities of Color Coalition and regularly volunteers to provide emergency services and disaster relief to the Snohomish community.

Donaghy has spent her professional life advocating for a high quality of life for all Snohomish residents. She is a strong progressive whose campaign priorities include COVID-19 recovery that incorporates community support, housing security, justice reform, and maintaining green space. She is endorsed by many of our partner organizations and a number of progressive elected leaders in this race.

Low is an outspoken Republican on the council who voted in June against $4 per hour hazard pay for grocery store workers on the front lines of the pandemic. Earlier this spring, he badgered and voted against the appointment of a young woman of color to the Regional Law and Justice Council because he disagreed with some of her social media posts.

Donaghy would bring a much-needed progressive perspective to the council and is the obvious choice for Snohomish County Council in District 5.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Brandy Donaghy is a community organizer and Navy veteran who is challenging incumbent Councilmember Sam Low for Snohomish County Council in District 5. Donaghy serves on the board of directors for the Communities of Color Coalition and regularly volunteers to provide emergency services and disaster relief to the Snohomish community.

Donaghy has spent her professional life advocating for a high quality of life for all Snohomish residents. She is a strong progressive whose campaign priorities include COVID-19 recovery that incorporates community support, housing security, justice reform, and maintaining green space. She is endorsed by many of our partner organizations and a number of progressive elected leaders in this race.

Low is an outspoken Republican on the council who voted in June against $4 per hour hazard pay for grocery store workers on the front lines of the pandemic. Earlier this spring, he badgered and voted against the appointment of a young woman of color to the Regional Law and Justice Council because he disagreed with some of her social media posts.

Donaghy would bring a much-needed progressive perspective to the council and is the obvious choice for Snohomish County Council in District 5.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Endorsed By: Pro-Choice Washington , Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates , Sage Leaders , Sierra Club , SEPAC , Washington Conservation Action , Housing Action Fund , Snohomish & Island County Labor Council, Snohomish County Democrats, Alliance for Gun Responsibility

Whatcom County, District 1

Kaylee Galloway is running for Whatcom County Council to bring affordability and environmental considerations to the forefront. She is a member of the Whatcom County Climate Impact Advisory Committee. She has worked as a legislative assistant in the state House of Representatives, and as a staff assistant and community liaison in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.

If elected, Galloway will push forward on the county's critical affordable housing needs and focus on restoring water quality for both salmon populations and Whatcom communities, which includes supporting the reduction of pollution runoff. She wants to address sustainability in infrastructure, transit, and other public needs through the lens of climate justice, which to her means considering the needs of communities of color and those with lower incomes who are disproportionately impacted by pollution and health disparities.

Kaylee is a good choice if you're looking for someone who will prioritize affordable housing and environmental conservation.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Kaylee Galloway is running for Whatcom County Council to bring affordability and environmental considerations to the forefront. She is a member of the Whatcom County Climate Impact Advisory Committee. She has worked as a legislative assistant in the state House of Representatives, and as a staff assistant and community liaison in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.

If elected, Galloway will push forward on the county's critical affordable housing needs and focus on restoring water quality for both salmon populations and Whatcom communities, which includes supporting the reduction of pollution runoff. She wants to address sustainability in infrastructure, transit, and other public needs through the lens of climate justice, which to her means considering the needs of communities of color and those with lower incomes who are disproportionately impacted by pollution and health disparities.

Kaylee is a good choice if you're looking for someone who will prioritize affordable housing and environmental conservation.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Endorsed By: Pro-Choice Washington , Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates , SEIU Locals 775, 925, and 1199 , Teamsters Joint Council 28 , UFCW 3000 , Housing Action Fund , Northwest Washington Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, Bellingham/Whatcom County Firefighters (IAFF Local 16), Alliance for Gun Responsibility

Port of Seattle

Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below races on your ballot.

Hamdi Mohamed is running for Seattle Port Commissioner, Position 3 with a visionary agenda for the port that centers the needs of the workers, the environment, and the broader community. Mohamed's family fled Somalia and settled in the SeaTac region when she was 5 years old, with her mother working in the airport. Mohamed now works in the King County Office of Equity and Social Justice as a policy advisor and has helped manage the millions of dollars in COVID-19 relief funds that went to community-based organizations in King County.

As a resident of SeaTac, Mohamed lives in one of the communities most affected by airport pollution. Given that none of the current commissioners live in South King County, she seeks to bridge the gap between port policy and lived experience. She wants to expand the port's efforts to transition from fossil fuels to clean energy and restore habitats for salmon and orcas. Through greater direct partnership with workers, Mohamed wants to protect unions, provide pandemic relief, and prioritize workplace health.

In our interview with Mohamed, we were incredibly impressed by her drive to improve the lives of those who work and live near the port. One recent example of her accomplishment was her work with Beyoncé and Tina Knowles to provide free coronavirus testing and supplies to local organizations and working with the King County Immigrant and Refugee Commission to center language access in COVID-19 relief.

Mohamed is running against incumbent Stephanie Bowman, who has served on the commission since 2013. Bowman is proud of the port commission's progress on many fronts, including expanding youth job training opportunities in partnership with Seattle Public Schools, making stormwater improvements, and developing a noise insulation program for homes close to the airport. She states that one of her most important accomplishments was tripling the number of interns, many of which were youth of color from marginalized communities. If re-elected, Bowman would focus on improving economic opportunity at the port for all, including union members, women-owned businesses, lower-income workers, and more.

However, we were extremely disappointed when Bowman voted in 2015 to allow Shell Oil to base its arctic drilling operations in Seattle. In addition, she voted to use taxpayer money to file a legal challenge against SeaTac's $15 per hour minimum wage. In our interview with Bowman this year, she stated that she had been on the commission for less than six months before the wage increase vote, and believed that the council did not have the regulatory authority to make the change. On the Shell vote, she said that the commission was not transparent enough about it and that she would rather have ships come to Seattle ports where the environmental standards are the highest.

We believe Mohamed would be a stronger leader for progress at the port and would bring much-needed representation to the commission for South King County communities. We strongly support Hamdi Mohamed for her dedication to the community, her progressive agenda, and her backing by progressive organizations.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Hamdi Mohamed is running for Seattle Port Commissioner, Position 3 with a visionary agenda for the port that centers the needs of the workers, the environment, and the broader community. Mohamed's family fled Somalia and settled in the SeaTac region when she was 5 years old, with her mother working in the airport. Mohamed now works in the King County Office of Equity and Social Justice as a policy advisor and has helped manage the millions of dollars in COVID-19 relief funds that went to community-based organizations in King County.

As a resident of SeaTac, Mohamed lives in one of the communities most affected by airport pollution. Given that none of the current commissioners live in South King County, she seeks to bridge the gap between port policy and lived experience. She wants to expand the port's efforts to transition from fossil fuels to clean energy and restore habitats for salmon and orcas. Through greater direct partnership with workers, Mohamed wants to protect unions, provide pandemic relief, and prioritize workplace health.

In our interview with Mohamed, we were incredibly impressed by her drive to improve the lives of those who work and live near the port. One recent example of her accomplishment was her work with Beyoncé and Tina Knowles to provide free coronavirus testing and supplies to local organizations and working with the King County Immigrant and Refugee Commission to center language access in COVID-19 relief.

Mohamed is running against incumbent Stephanie Bowman, who has served on the commission since 2013. Bowman is proud of the port commission's progress on many fronts, including expanding youth job training opportunities in partnership with Seattle Public Schools, making stormwater improvements, and developing a noise insulation program for homes close to the airport. She states that one of her most important accomplishments was tripling the number of interns, many of which were youth of color from marginalized communities. If re-elected, Bowman would focus on improving economic opportunity at the port for all, including union members, women-owned businesses, lower-income workers, and more.

However, we were extremely disappointed when Bowman voted in 2015 to allow Shell Oil to base its arctic drilling operations in Seattle. In addition, she voted to use taxpayer money to file a legal challenge against SeaTac's $15 per hour minimum wage. In our interview with Bowman this year, she stated that she had been on the commission for less than six months before the wage increase vote, and believed that the council did not have the regulatory authority to make the change. On the Shell vote, she said that the commission was not transparent enough about it and that she would rather have ships come to Seattle ports where the environmental standards are the highest.

We believe Mohamed would be a stronger leader for progress at the port and would bring much-needed representation to the commission for South King County communities. We strongly support Hamdi Mohamed for her dedication to the community, her progressive agenda, and her backing by progressive organizations.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Toshiko Hasegawa is running for Port of Seattle, Position 4 to center the experiences of port workers and nearby communities in building a more equitable future for the port. She is the executive director of the Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs (CAPAA), which advises the governor, state agencies, and the state legislature on issues affecting Asian American communities. If either she or fellow candidate Hamdi Mohamed are elected, it will be the first time a woman of color has ever served on the Seattle Port Commission.

As executive director of CAPAA, Hasegawa and the rest of the commission helped support small businesses during the pandemic, provide relief to community-based organizations, and create a language access plan so that residents could access critical information. In our interview, Hasegawa spoke to how she wanted to expand and apply those equity processes to the port. She supports mental health care and paid family leave for workers, ongoing training, and apprenticeships programs, especially for women and people of color, who have been historically underrepresented in port employment. Hasegawa also wants to see an airport cities advisory group permanently established as the economy continues to rebuild and recover from the pandemic.

On environmental issues, Hasegawa would be an advocate for the port assisting in the construction of high-speed rail to cut down on short flights to nearby cities like Portland or Bellingham. She also wants to meaningfully engage the community in climate justice, including the tribes, and explore the possibility of using solar and wind at the port.

We join a compelling majority of progressive organizations in recommending Hasegawa to help usher in a new generation of leadership and for her inclusive vision for the future of the port. 

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Toshiko Hasegawa is running for Port of Seattle, Position 4 to center the experiences of port workers and nearby communities in building a more equitable future for the port. She is the executive director of the Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs (CAPAA), which advises the governor, state agencies, and the state legislature on issues affecting Asian American communities. If either she or fellow candidate Hamdi Mohamed are elected, it will be the first time a woman of color has ever served on the Seattle Port Commission.

As executive director of CAPAA, Hasegawa and the rest of the commission helped support small businesses during the pandemic, provide relief to community-based organizations, and create a language access plan so that residents could access critical information. In our interview, Hasegawa spoke to how she wanted to expand and apply those equity processes to the port. She supports mental health care and paid family leave for workers, ongoing training, and apprenticeships programs, especially for women and people of color, who have been historically underrepresented in port employment. Hasegawa also wants to see an airport cities advisory group permanently established as the economy continues to rebuild and recover from the pandemic.

On environmental issues, Hasegawa would be an advocate for the port assisting in the construction of high-speed rail to cut down on short flights to nearby cities like Portland or Bellingham. She also wants to meaningfully engage the community in climate justice, including the tribes, and explore the possibility of using solar and wind at the port.

We join a compelling majority of progressive organizations in recommending Hasegawa to help usher in a new generation of leadership and for her inclusive vision for the future of the port. 

Last updated: 2023-04-05

City Races

Depending on where you live, you may have the following city races on your ballot.

Bellevue City Council

Retired software engineer and philanthropist Ruth Lipscomb is running for Bellevue City Council, Position 4. She has served on the boards of many nonprofit organizations, including Fuse Washington, the Progress Alliance of Washington, Washington Women For Choice PAC, and others.

Her vision for Bellevue includes protecting the environment by reducing the city's greenhouse gas emissions and prioritizing bringing stronger public transit, walkable neighborhoods, and safe biking routes to Bellevue. Lipscomb wants to use her background in technology to increase transparency in government and will work to improve affordability and safety for all Bellevue families.

Lipscomb is facing conservative deputy mayor Jared Nieuwenhuis. Nieuwenhuis recently voted against important housing affordability legislation because he wanted yet another taxpayer-funded study that would kick the can down the road. Nieuwenhuis has also displayed a disappointing lack of leadership on the issue of police accountability and racial justice during council meetings over the last year.

The Bellevue City Council is currently narrowly divided along political and ideological lines. Electing Lipscomb is the key to creating a progressive governing majority that could pursue a more ambitious agenda on issues like housing affordability, climate change, and reducing traffic congestion.

Lipscomb’s track record of community engagement, progressive values, and strong support from our partner organizations make her the clear choice for Bellevue City Council, Position 4.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Retired software engineer and philanthropist Ruth Lipscomb is running for Bellevue City Council, Position 4. She has served on the boards of many nonprofit organizations, including Fuse Washington, the Progress Alliance of Washington, Washington Women For Choice PAC, and others.

Her vision for Bellevue includes protecting the environment by reducing the city's greenhouse gas emissions and prioritizing bringing stronger public transit, walkable neighborhoods, and safe biking routes to Bellevue. Lipscomb wants to use her background in technology to increase transparency in government and will work to improve affordability and safety for all Bellevue families.

Lipscomb is facing conservative deputy mayor Jared Nieuwenhuis. Nieuwenhuis recently voted against important housing affordability legislation because he wanted yet another taxpayer-funded study that would kick the can down the road. Nieuwenhuis has also displayed a disappointing lack of leadership on the issue of police accountability and racial justice during council meetings over the last year.

The Bellevue City Council is currently narrowly divided along political and ideological lines. Electing Lipscomb is the key to creating a progressive governing majority that could pursue a more ambitious agenda on issues like housing affordability, climate change, and reducing traffic congestion.

Lipscomb’s track record of community engagement, progressive values, and strong support from our partner organizations make her the clear choice for Bellevue City Council, Position 4.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Lynne Robinson is running for re-election to Bellevue City Council, Position 6. Since joining in 2014, Robinson has prioritized supporting small businesses, increasing responsible development, and protecting the environment at the local level. She is focused on addressing the needs of Bellevue families by focusing on education, affordable housing, human services for vulnerable community members, and advocating for local parks and public spaces.

In 2020, Robinson was elected mayor of Bellevue by her fellow council members and has been a moderate voice leading the city. During the COVID-19 crisis, she has focused on addressing food insecurity for community members as well as supporting women and minority-owned businesses with grants. Robinson has supported increasing affordable housing and shelter space, though far more progress is needed in Bellevue and across the region

Robinson is facing Dr. Gina Johnson, the founder of Vital Mind Body. Johnson's platform emphasizes police funding without mentioning much-needed accountability measures or increased funding for community-based alternatives. In addition, Johnson proposes harsh and punitive measures that fail to address the root of homelessness in Bellevue. Finally, Johnson opposes some of the city's basic COVID-19 protections, which are consistent with CDC recommendations and have helped keep our community safe.

Robinson is the best choice in the race for Position 6. Given the other competitive races for Bellevue City Council on the ballot, we hope Robinson will have the opportunity to work with a more progressive council and will support a bolder agenda for the city of Bellevue.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Lynne Robinson is running for re-election to Bellevue City Council, Position 6. Since joining in 2014, Robinson has prioritized supporting small businesses, increasing responsible development, and protecting the environment at the local level. She is focused on addressing the needs of Bellevue families by focusing on education, affordable housing, human services for vulnerable community members, and advocating for local parks and public spaces.

In 2020, Robinson was elected mayor of Bellevue by her fellow council members and has been a moderate voice leading the city. During the COVID-19 crisis, she has focused on addressing food insecurity for community members as well as supporting women and minority-owned businesses with grants. Robinson has supported increasing affordable housing and shelter space, though far more progress is needed in Bellevue and across the region

Robinson is facing Dr. Gina Johnson, the founder of Vital Mind Body. Johnson's platform emphasizes police funding without mentioning much-needed accountability measures or increased funding for community-based alternatives. In addition, Johnson proposes harsh and punitive measures that fail to address the root of homelessness in Bellevue. Finally, Johnson opposes some of the city's basic COVID-19 protections, which are consistent with CDC recommendations and have helped keep our community safe.

Robinson is the best choice in the race for Position 6. Given the other competitive races for Bellevue City Council on the ballot, we hope Robinson will have the opportunity to work with a more progressive council and will support a bolder agenda for the city of Bellevue.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Bothell City Council

Han Tran is running for Position 1 on the Bothell City Council. Tran works in tech product development and has a background in community advocacy. Currently, she works as a co-chair on Bothell’s Anti-Racist Communities team and is a parent member of the Northshore School District's Ethnic Studies pilot program. As a Harvard Business School graduate and a Vietnamese American from an immigrant family, Tran wants to bring her unique perspective to create community-driven solutions that make Bothell a more equitable place.

Tran believes housing and food are human rights and would work on policies to address housing and food insecurity in Bothell. She wants to expand the RADAR program, a de-escalation initiative with Bothell police that seeks to avoid the use of force when responding to people with behavioral health issues or developmental disabilities. She would also look into investing in other community-based public safety initiatives. Tran is committed to supporting Bothell’s small business community and wants to provide grants and career pathways for business owners who are people of color, women, veterans, and LGBTQ+.

Tran is challenging incumbent council member and current deputy mayor Jeanne Zornes, a moderate Republican who has been in office since 2017. Zornes is also a substitute teacher for Northshore public schools and a freelance photographer. She is campaigning to build up Bothell's business sector and increase law enforcement funding rather than invest in community alternatives. Despite claiming to run a completely nonpartisan race, Zornes has endorsed other conservatives this year.

Tran will bring strong, progressive leadership to the council. She deserves your vote for Bothell City Council, Position 1.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Han Tran is running for Position 1 on the Bothell City Council. Tran works in tech product development and has a background in community advocacy. Currently, she works as a co-chair on Bothell’s Anti-Racist Communities team and is a parent member of the Northshore School District's Ethnic Studies pilot program. As a Harvard Business School graduate and a Vietnamese American from an immigrant family, Tran wants to bring her unique perspective to create community-driven solutions that make Bothell a more equitable place.

Tran believes housing and food are human rights and would work on policies to address housing and food insecurity in Bothell. She wants to expand the RADAR program, a de-escalation initiative with Bothell police that seeks to avoid the use of force when responding to people with behavioral health issues or developmental disabilities. She would also look into investing in other community-based public safety initiatives. Tran is committed to supporting Bothell’s small business community and wants to provide grants and career pathways for business owners who are people of color, women, veterans, and LGBTQ+.

Tran is challenging incumbent council member and current deputy mayor Jeanne Zornes, a moderate Republican who has been in office since 2017. Zornes is also a substitute teacher for Northshore public schools and a freelance photographer. She is campaigning to build up Bothell's business sector and increase law enforcement funding rather than invest in community alternatives. Despite claiming to run a completely nonpartisan race, Zornes has endorsed other conservatives this year.

Tran will bring strong, progressive leadership to the council. She deserves your vote for Bothell City Council, Position 1.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

City of Bremerton, District #1

Jennifer Chamberlin is technically running unopposed for Bremerton City Council, District 1. Her opponent, Tony Stephens announced to the Kitsap Sun in mid-September that he was dropping out of the race, and encouraged voters to choose Chamberlin.

Chamberlin works for the Bremerton School District, and has served five years so far as a City of Bremerton Arts Commissioner, and is a proud member of the Bremerton Professional Education Association. While more detailed policy stances don't appear to be available, Chamberlain says she aims to help those in crisis rise up with dignity, supports reproductive health for all, and wants to create a safer and more inclusive city for those who have been disenfranchised.

Stephens is the former president of the Kitsap County Republican Party. His name will remain on the ballot because he dropped out after the deadline. Were he to win, the council would need to fill the position by appointment. We recommend Chamberlin for Bremerton City Council, District 1.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Jennifer Chamberlin is technically running unopposed for Bremerton City Council, District 1. Her opponent, Tony Stephens announced to the Kitsap Sun in mid-September that he was dropping out of the race, and encouraged voters to choose Chamberlin.

Chamberlin works for the Bremerton School District, and has served five years so far as a City of Bremerton Arts Commissioner, and is a proud member of the Bremerton Professional Education Association. While more detailed policy stances don't appear to be available, Chamberlain says she aims to help those in crisis rise up with dignity, supports reproductive health for all, and wants to create a safer and more inclusive city for those who have been disenfranchised.

Stephens is the former president of the Kitsap County Republican Party. His name will remain on the ballot because he dropped out after the deadline. Were he to win, the council would need to fill the position by appointment. We recommend Chamberlin for Bremerton City Council, District 1.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Burien City Council

Hugo Garcia is running for Burien City Council, Position 1. Garcia, whose family immigrated from Mexico more than 30 years ago, states that he learned the values of resilience and tenacity at an early age by watching his father wait tables to support their family of five. If elected, he intends to bring the experience of working families to the forefront.

Garcia is a member of the Burien Planning Commission and chair of the Burien Economic Development Partnership (BEDP). His platform includes housing for all and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic that will equitably and sustainably lift up all Burien residents and help local businesses come back stronger. In addition, Garcia is committed to keeping Burien affordable so that working families can continue to live in the community and thrive.

Garcia is facing Martin Barrett, who owns a corporate gift supplier. Barrett is vilifying community members who want to discuss community-based alternatives to public safety. He states that he wants Burien to be a “wealth generator" without providing details. While Barrett's platform does address the need for more affordable housing, he wants to rely on developers to solve the problem rather than making changes to zoning laws and seeking other innovative solutions.

Garcia is the clear choice for Burien City Council, Position 1.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Hugo Garcia is running for Burien City Council, Position 1. Garcia, whose family immigrated from Mexico more than 30 years ago, states that he learned the values of resilience and tenacity at an early age by watching his father wait tables to support their family of five. If elected, he intends to bring the experience of working families to the forefront.

Garcia is a member of the Burien Planning Commission and chair of the Burien Economic Development Partnership (BEDP). His platform includes housing for all and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic that will equitably and sustainably lift up all Burien residents and help local businesses come back stronger. In addition, Garcia is committed to keeping Burien affordable so that working families can continue to live in the community and thrive.

Garcia is facing Martin Barrett, who owns a corporate gift supplier. Barrett is vilifying community members who want to discuss community-based alternatives to public safety. He states that he wants Burien to be a “wealth generator" without providing details. While Barrett's platform does address the need for more affordable housing, he wants to rely on developers to solve the problem rather than making changes to zoning laws and seeking other innovative solutions.

Garcia is the clear choice for Burien City Council, Position 1.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Sarah Moore is running for Burien City Council, Position 5. Moore serves as vice-chair of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and co-founded ACLU Burien People Power. Her work experience includes more than 20 years at the Pacific Science Center and managing a quarantine site with King County during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moore's platform includes ensuring affordable housing for everyone through partnerships with other cities, state and county agencies, and nonprofit organizations and addressing causes of crime through distributing much-needed resources to Burien's communities. She also wants to prioritize environmental issues, including reducing polluted stormwater that runs into Puget Sound and providing lots of outdoor, walkable spaces.

Moore is facing small business owner Alex Simkus. He's running for city council to ensure entities like the Port of Seattle, the Department of Transportation, and King County Metro are held accountable for what he perceives as poor taxing and spending decisions. While his platform mentions increasing access to affordable housing and making utilities more affordable, Simkus does not bring the same level of detail to the campaign as Moore.

Moore is the best choice for Burien City Council, Position 5.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Sarah Moore is running for Burien City Council, Position 5. Moore serves as vice-chair of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and co-founded ACLU Burien People Power. Her work experience includes more than 20 years at the Pacific Science Center and managing a quarantine site with King County during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moore's platform includes ensuring affordable housing for everyone through partnerships with other cities, state and county agencies, and nonprofit organizations and addressing causes of crime through distributing much-needed resources to Burien's communities. She also wants to prioritize environmental issues, including reducing polluted stormwater that runs into Puget Sound and providing lots of outdoor, walkable spaces.

Moore is facing small business owner Alex Simkus. He's running for city council to ensure entities like the Port of Seattle, the Department of Transportation, and King County Metro are held accountable for what he perceives as poor taxing and spending decisions. While his platform mentions increasing access to affordable housing and making utilities more affordable, Simkus does not bring the same level of detail to the campaign as Moore.

Moore is the best choice for Burien City Council, Position 5.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Deputy Mayor Krystal Marx is running for re-election to Burien City Council, Position 7. She is currently the executive director of Seattle Pride and previously worked for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Washington.

First elected in 2017, Marx has been a consistent progressive voice on the council. She takes a housing-first approach to homelessness, which prioritizes getting people in crisis into stable housing, and has worked to pass a range of tenant protections to keep people in their homes. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Marx voted in favor of $5 per hour hazard pay for front-line workers like grocery store employees. Recently, she joined her colleagues supporting an expansion of affordable housing in downtown Burien that includes units designated for Burien residents and veterans.

Marx faces sales associate Stephanie Mora. Her platform is conservative and she blames outsiders and nearby cities for local problems rather than offering solutions for Burien. Mora is also running to repeal the local ordinance allowing critical social services to be built in the city, leaving residents in need to fend for themselves.

Marx is the best choice in the race for Burien City Council, Position 7.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Deputy Mayor Krystal Marx is running for re-election to Burien City Council, Position 7. She is currently the executive director of Seattle Pride and previously worked for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Washington.

First elected in 2017, Marx has been a consistent progressive voice on the council. She takes a housing-first approach to homelessness, which prioritizes getting people in crisis into stable housing, and has worked to pass a range of tenant protections to keep people in their homes. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Marx voted in favor of $5 per hour hazard pay for front-line workers like grocery store employees. Recently, she joined her colleagues supporting an expansion of affordable housing in downtown Burien that includes units designated for Burien residents and veterans.

Marx faces sales associate Stephanie Mora. Her platform is conservative and she blames outsiders and nearby cities for local problems rather than offering solutions for Burien. Mora is also running to repeal the local ordinance allowing critical social services to be built in the city, leaving residents in need to fend for themselves.

Marx is the best choice in the race for Burien City Council, Position 7.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Edmonds City Council

Alicia Crank is running for Edmonds City Council, Position 1. Crank currently works as the chief development officer at a local nonprofit and serves as the vice-chair of the Edmonds Planning Board. She has extensive community leadership experience including working for the Edmonds Senior Center, Edmonds Chamber of Commerce, and the Edmonds Sister City Commission.

In this campaign, Crank is prioritizing housing affordability, transparent and responsive government, thoughtful growth, and public safety initiatives to reduce gun violence. She has proposed green building practices and constructing mixed-use developments to make sure that Edmonds can grow while remaining committed to environmental sustainability and economic diversity. Crank is running a strong campaign and has earned endorsements from progressive elected officials and organizations.

Crank is running against incumbent council member Kristiana Johnson. First elected in 2012, Johnson has made environmental protections a focus of her time on the council. Unfortunately, she sent a racially insensitive email last year regarding federal grants for white-owned and Asian-owned businesses that drew criticism from her fellow council members. She has since apologized, but the situation raises concerns about her ability to engage an equity lens and to serve all Edmonds residents.

Alicia Crank is the best choice in this race and deserves your vote for Position 1 on the Edmonds City Council.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Alicia Crank is running for Edmonds City Council, Position 1. Crank currently works as the chief development officer at a local nonprofit and serves as the vice-chair of the Edmonds Planning Board. She has extensive community leadership experience including working for the Edmonds Senior Center, Edmonds Chamber of Commerce, and the Edmonds Sister City Commission.

In this campaign, Crank is prioritizing housing affordability, transparent and responsive government, thoughtful growth, and public safety initiatives to reduce gun violence. She has proposed green building practices and constructing mixed-use developments to make sure that Edmonds can grow while remaining committed to environmental sustainability and economic diversity. Crank is running a strong campaign and has earned endorsements from progressive elected officials and organizations.

Crank is running against incumbent council member Kristiana Johnson. First elected in 2012, Johnson has made environmental protections a focus of her time on the council. Unfortunately, she sent a racially insensitive email last year regarding federal grants for white-owned and Asian-owned businesses that drew criticism from her fellow council members. She has since apologized, but the situation raises concerns about her ability to engage an equity lens and to serve all Edmonds residents.

Alicia Crank is the best choice in this race and deserves your vote for Position 1 on the Edmonds City Council.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Adrienne Fraley-Monillas is running for re-election to Edmonds City Council, Position 3. Fraley-Monillas serves as president of the Snohomish County Health District, volunteers at the Edmonds Senior Center, and works on the city’s Diversity Commission, of which she was a founding member.

In her three terms as a council member, she has proven her commitment to health care opportunities for everyone and protecting the environment. Fraley-Monillas has supported achieving sanctuary city status through Edmonds' Safe City Resolution, developing public green spaces, and investing in infrastructure to keep Edmonds safe. Going forward, updating Highway 99 and advancing diversity and equity in Edmonds remain her long-term priorities. She is endorsed by a wide range of progressive leaders and organizations in this race.

Challenging Fraley-Monillas is Neil Tibbott, the executive director of a Christian leadership organization. Tibbott’s campaign emphasizes an exclusionary housing policy that would make Edmonds less affordable. He claims he wants to bring “political climate change” to the city council, which would mean cutting community programs and slowing progress on issues facing Edmonds residents.

Fraley-Monillas is the clear choice in this race and deserves your vote for Edmonds City Council, Position 3.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Adrienne Fraley-Monillas is running for re-election to Edmonds City Council, Position 3. Fraley-Monillas serves as president of the Snohomish County Health District, volunteers at the Edmonds Senior Center, and works on the city’s Diversity Commission, of which she was a founding member.

In her three terms as a council member, she has proven her commitment to health care opportunities for everyone and protecting the environment. Fraley-Monillas has supported achieving sanctuary city status through Edmonds' Safe City Resolution, developing public green spaces, and investing in infrastructure to keep Edmonds safe. Going forward, updating Highway 99 and advancing diversity and equity in Edmonds remain her long-term priorities. She is endorsed by a wide range of progressive leaders and organizations in this race.

Challenging Fraley-Monillas is Neil Tibbott, the executive director of a Christian leadership organization. Tibbott’s campaign emphasizes an exclusionary housing policy that would make Edmonds less affordable. He claims he wants to bring “political climate change” to the city council, which would mean cutting community programs and slowing progress on issues facing Edmonds residents.

Fraley-Monillas is the clear choice in this race and deserves your vote for Edmonds City Council, Position 3.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Endorsed By: Fuse , Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates , SEIU 775 , SEIU Healthcare 1199NW , UFCW 3000 , Alliance for Gun Responsibility

Everett Mayor

Incumbent Cassie Franklin was the first woman ever to be elected mayor of Everett. Before becoming mayor, Franklin was an Everett City Council member and served in a number of organizations and programs addressing homelessness.

Her tenure as mayor, which began in 2017, came at a difficult moment in the city's financial history. Washington cities are required by law to produce a balanced budget. With a deficit of $18 million for the city, up from $15 million inherited before her term due to pandemic-related causes, Franklin and the city council cut costs to balance the budget. Their budget closed service locations like the Carl Gipson Senior Center and the Forest Park Swim Center, reduced library hours, and eliminated city-sponsored events like fireworks, the animal farm, and flower festival, along with laying off or voluntary separating from over 130 employees. Disappointingly, despite calls by Black activists to reduce or move funds from the police department budget into more community services, the police budget was not cut like most other departments. Franklin states that the department's body camera program and training efforts are meeting the changes demanded by activists.

Budget aside, Franklin has worked hard in the pandemic to administer pandemic relief funds and issued a stay-home directive in the early days of the COVID crisis.

Franklin's opponent is Steve Oss, president of the Everett Transit Union. Oss does not have a website or detailed policy proposals as of mid-October. He states in a local interview that he believes businesses need support and the city's deficit needs to be addressed.

While Franklin is fairly moderate, her endorsements on both the conservative and progressive ends of the spectrum represent local faith in her second run, and she is the only viable choice in this race.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Incumbent Cassie Franklin was the first woman ever to be elected mayor of Everett. Before becoming mayor, Franklin was an Everett City Council member and served in a number of organizations and programs addressing homelessness.

Her tenure as mayor, which began in 2017, came at a difficult moment in the city's financial history. Washington cities are required by law to produce a balanced budget. With a deficit of $18 million for the city, up from $15 million inherited before her term due to pandemic-related causes, Franklin and the city council cut costs to balance the budget. Their budget closed service locations like the Carl Gipson Senior Center and the Forest Park Swim Center, reduced library hours, and eliminated city-sponsored events like fireworks, the animal farm, and flower festival, along with laying off or voluntary separating from over 130 employees. Disappointingly, despite calls by Black activists to reduce or move funds from the police department budget into more community services, the police budget was not cut like most other departments. Franklin states that the department's body camera program and training efforts are meeting the changes demanded by activists.

Budget aside, Franklin has worked hard in the pandemic to administer pandemic relief funds and issued a stay-home directive in the early days of the COVID crisis.

Franklin's opponent is Steve Oss, president of the Everett Transit Union. Oss does not have a website or detailed policy proposals as of mid-October. He states in a local interview that he believes businesses need support and the city's deficit needs to be addressed.

While Franklin is fairly moderate, her endorsements on both the conservative and progressive ends of the spectrum represent local faith in her second run, and she is the only viable choice in this race.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Federal Way Mayor

Jim Ferrell is running for re-election to mayor of Federal Way. Before becoming mayor, he served on the city council from 2003 to 2013 and as a senior deputy prosecutor for King County. Ferrell's priorities for another term include protecting the environment, investing in working families, and supporting local businesses. He has worked to support moving people experiencing homelessness into shelters and housing and hopes to enhance the city's parks as Federal Way prepares for Light Rail.

Also in this race is Mark Greene, a perennial candidate who has previously run for the Washington state House of Representatives, Congress, lieutenant governor, and elections director of King County. He does not have a coherent campaign platform or relevant experience. Greene states he does not support reproductive justice and does not appear to believe in COVID-19.

Ferrell is the better choice in the race for mayor of Federal Way.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Jim Ferrell is running for re-election to mayor of Federal Way. Before becoming mayor, he served on the city council from 2003 to 2013 and as a senior deputy prosecutor for King County. Ferrell's priorities for another term include protecting the environment, investing in working families, and supporting local businesses. He has worked to support moving people experiencing homelessness into shelters and housing and hopes to enhance the city's parks as Federal Way prepares for Light Rail.

Also in this race is Mark Greene, a perennial candidate who has previously run for the Washington state House of Representatives, Congress, lieutenant governor, and elections director of King County. He does not have a coherent campaign platform or relevant experience. Greene states he does not support reproductive justice and does not appear to believe in COVID-19.

Ferrell is the better choice in the race for mayor of Federal Way.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Federal Way City Council

Gregory Baruso is running for re-election to Federal Way City Council, Position 2. Baruso is a firefighter and the president of the Citizens for Federal Way Schools. He also served on the city's Diversity Commission for 12 years.

Baruso was appointed to the city council in March 2020 and serves as the chair of the Land Use and Transportation Committee. He has worked to balance the city's budget, support local recovery from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and sponsored several initiatives to help end racial discrimination. Baruso is emphasizing helping both people and local businesses recover from the impacts of COVID-19 in his re-election campaign.

Baruso is facing Erica Norton, a local business owner. She previously served as chairperson for the Pierce County Corrections Committee as well as the Federal Way Homelessness Coalition. Her platform is not progressive and emphasizes funding for the police instead of looking at investing in community services that would be more effective at keeping our community safe. Norton's campaign website includes complaints about the state's COVID-19 safety measures, which were instrumental in saving countless lives.

Baruso is the best choice for Federal Way City Council, Position 2.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Gregory Baruso is running for re-election to Federal Way City Council, Position 2. Baruso is a firefighter and the president of the Citizens for Federal Way Schools. He also served on the city's Diversity Commission for 12 years.

Baruso was appointed to the city council in March 2020 and serves as the chair of the Land Use and Transportation Committee. He has worked to balance the city's budget, support local recovery from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and sponsored several initiatives to help end racial discrimination. Baruso is emphasizing helping both people and local businesses recover from the impacts of COVID-19 in his re-election campaign.

Baruso is facing Erica Norton, a local business owner. She previously served as chairperson for the Pierce County Corrections Committee as well as the Federal Way Homelessness Coalition. Her platform is not progressive and emphasizes funding for the police instead of looking at investing in community services that would be more effective at keeping our community safe. Norton's campaign website includes complaints about the state's COVID-19 safety measures, which were instrumental in saving countless lives.

Baruso is the best choice for Federal Way City Council, Position 2.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Renae Seam is running for Federal Way City Council, Position 6. She works for Boeing Employees Credit Union utilizing her master's degree in business and data analytics. Seam wants to use her experience in risk management and analytics to ensure community members can remain financially stable or regain financial stability, disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline, create a climate action plan to increase sustainability and minimize Federal Way's carbon footprint, and be a voice for the marginalized and disadvantaged communities.

Seam is facing Jack Dovey. Dovey is a former mayor and council member in Federal Way. He is currently a marketing manager for GPSLockbox whose campaign website is not functional as of mid-October. Dovey's campaign platform is thin and does not prioritize issues the community has been calling for, including reforms to the local approach to public safety.

Seam is the best choice in the race for Federal Way City Council, Position 6.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Renae Seam is running for Federal Way City Council, Position 6. She works for Boeing Employees Credit Union utilizing her master's degree in business and data analytics. Seam wants to use her experience in risk management and analytics to ensure community members can remain financially stable or regain financial stability, disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline, create a climate action plan to increase sustainability and minimize Federal Way's carbon footprint, and be a voice for the marginalized and disadvantaged communities.

Seam is facing Jack Dovey. Dovey is a former mayor and council member in Federal Way. He is currently a marketing manager for GPSLockbox whose campaign website is not functional as of mid-October. Dovey's campaign platform is thin and does not prioritize issues the community has been calling for, including reforms to the local approach to public safety.

Seam is the best choice in the race for Federal Way City Council, Position 6.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Kent Mayor

Dawn Bennett is an education advocate and the vice president of Paramount Duty, a grassroots group which seeks to fully fund education in Washington. She is the co-founder and executive director of the Multicultural Education Rights Alliance. She has also served families and children in the community as a gang prevention specialist and caseworker in Seattle and as the liaison for African-American families for Seattle Public Schools. In addition, she has been a board member of several organizations, including the Rainier Valley Food Bank and the UW School of Social Work Communities in Action Initiative.

If she is elected, Bennett will bring the same energy she has for community service to the council. She has a long list of priorities, including supporting businesses as they recover from the pandemic, subsidizing child care, and providing options for elder care. On housing, Bennett's policies include providing wraparound services and transitional housing for those struggling with homelessness, addressing the legacy of redlining, and incentivizing housing for residents with middle-to-low incomes. She wants to redefine the role of law enforcement, providing more accountability for bad actors and hiring unarmed public workers who can provide social services for mental health calls.

Bennett is challenging Mayor Dana Ralph, who has served on the city council since 2012 and as mayor of Kent since 2018. She has served in many regional organizations, including as past president of the Sound Cities Association Transportation Policy Board and as vice chair of the South King Housing & Homelessness Partners Board. Ralph points to many completed and ongoing projects in Kent as signs of her and the council's leadership, including securing funding for the light rail expansion to Kent, continuing the trash-clearing Mill Creek Canyon Revitalization Project, and investing in pandemic relief, from vaccination sites to employment retention programs.

However, Ralph has also fought against measures to help the homeless. She sued the county when a temporary shelter was set up in a former Kent motel, which was aimed at helping houseless people recover from sickness. In addition, Ralph joined with Police Chief Rafael Padilla to raise concerns about recently passed laws that increase accountability for law enforcement. At a forum in August, community members accused Ralph of stoking fear in the community by making false claims about the impact of the new laws.

Bennett is the best choice in this race to bring new progressive leadership to Kent.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Dawn Bennett is an education advocate and the vice president of Paramount Duty, a grassroots group which seeks to fully fund education in Washington. She is the co-founder and executive director of the Multicultural Education Rights Alliance. She has also served families and children in the community as a gang prevention specialist and caseworker in Seattle and as the liaison for African-American families for Seattle Public Schools. In addition, she has been a board member of several organizations, including the Rainier Valley Food Bank and the UW School of Social Work Communities in Action Initiative.

If she is elected, Bennett will bring the same energy she has for community service to the council. She has a long list of priorities, including supporting businesses as they recover from the pandemic, subsidizing child care, and providing options for elder care. On housing, Bennett's policies include providing wraparound services and transitional housing for those struggling with homelessness, addressing the legacy of redlining, and incentivizing housing for residents with middle-to-low incomes. She wants to redefine the role of law enforcement, providing more accountability for bad actors and hiring unarmed public workers who can provide social services for mental health calls.

Bennett is challenging Mayor Dana Ralph, who has served on the city council since 2012 and as mayor of Kent since 2018. She has served in many regional organizations, including as past president of the Sound Cities Association Transportation Policy Board and as vice chair of the South King Housing & Homelessness Partners Board. Ralph points to many completed and ongoing projects in Kent as signs of her and the council's leadership, including securing funding for the light rail expansion to Kent, continuing the trash-clearing Mill Creek Canyon Revitalization Project, and investing in pandemic relief, from vaccination sites to employment retention programs.

However, Ralph has also fought against measures to help the homeless. She sued the county when a temporary shelter was set up in a former Kent motel, which was aimed at helping houseless people recover from sickness. In addition, Ralph joined with Police Chief Rafael Padilla to raise concerns about recently passed laws that increase accountability for law enforcement. At a forum in August, community members accused Ralph of stoking fear in the community by making false claims about the impact of the new laws.

Bennett is the best choice in this race to bring new progressive leadership to Kent.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Kent City Council

Clifford Cawthon is an activist, educator, and freelance journalist who has advocated for years for progressive causes. He works as an adjunct professor at Bellevue College and as the pro-housing coalition strategy manager at the Sightline Institute. In line with his history as a social justice advocate, Cawthon has organized and led campaigns for low-wage workers and for funding the Kent-Des Moines light rail station. He has also served on the Renters Commission in Seattle.

Cawthon wants to bring his years of experience to city hall to improve life for everyone in Kent. He wants to start by strengthening renter protections and expanding low-income and "missing middle" housing options. He also wants to provide more security for residents by expanding the city's food banks and creating year-round farmers markets. Cawthon believes the city could do more to develop its infrastructure and would advocate for public broadband and transit centers in each neighborhood. He rounds out his progressive vision for the city by promising that residents, especially those from communities of color who are often left out of planning decisions, will be able to provide more input in city issues, including the creation of a civilian oversight committee for law enforcement.

Cawthon is challenging incumbent Toni Troutner, who also serves as chair of the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Governance board. Troutner was also elected council president in 2019.

One of the biggest differences between the candidates is in the handling of the budget and law enforcement. Troutner supported the 2018 proposal to increase utility taxes to hire more police officers, which voters solidly rejected. In addition, she was satisfied with this year's budgeting process, which devoted 60 percent of the city budget to law enforcement. Cawthon, on the other hand, believes that the city needs to invest more in community needs rather than reactive and punitive policing. Cawthon wants to fund more mental health and behavioral specialists to help address mental crises and domestic violence incidents, while Troutner falsely stated that crime happens because there isn't enough prosecution.

We recommend Cawthon for a progressive vision for Kent.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Clifford Cawthon is an activist, educator, and freelance journalist who has advocated for years for progressive causes. He works as an adjunct professor at Bellevue College and as the pro-housing coalition strategy manager at the Sightline Institute. In line with his history as a social justice advocate, Cawthon has organized and led campaigns for low-wage workers and for funding the Kent-Des Moines light rail station. He has also served on the Renters Commission in Seattle.

Cawthon wants to bring his years of experience to city hall to improve life for everyone in Kent. He wants to start by strengthening renter protections and expanding low-income and "missing middle" housing options. He also wants to provide more security for residents by expanding the city's food banks and creating year-round farmers markets. Cawthon believes the city could do more to develop its infrastructure and would advocate for public broadband and transit centers in each neighborhood. He rounds out his progressive vision for the city by promising that residents, especially those from communities of color who are often left out of planning decisions, will be able to provide more input in city issues, including the creation of a civilian oversight committee for law enforcement.

Cawthon is challenging incumbent Toni Troutner, who also serves as chair of the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Governance board. Troutner was also elected council president in 2019.

One of the biggest differences between the candidates is in the handling of the budget and law enforcement. Troutner supported the 2018 proposal to increase utility taxes to hire more police officers, which voters solidly rejected. In addition, she was satisfied with this year's budgeting process, which devoted 60 percent of the city budget to law enforcement. Cawthon, on the other hand, believes that the city needs to invest more in community needs rather than reactive and punitive policing. Cawthon wants to fund more mental health and behavioral specialists to help address mental crises and domestic violence incidents, while Troutner falsely stated that crime happens because there isn't enough prosecution.

We recommend Cawthon for a progressive vision for Kent.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Kirkland City Council

Deputy Mayor Jay Arnold is running unopposed for re-election to Kirkland City Council, Position 1. Prior to joining the city council, Arnold served on the Kirkland Planning Commission for five years and co-chaired the campaign to provide dedicated funding for Kirkland parks. He also served on the boards of the environmental organizations Futurewise and Spark Northwest.

First elected to the council in 2013, Arnold has worked hard to improve Kirkland's transportation, sustainability, and inclusiveness. He has supported efforts to strengthen safe routes to schools, improve transit options and reduce congestion, and provide co-responders for mental health calls to the police. Arnold is also a part-time technology consultant at Fuse. He was not involved in this recommendation.

Arnold has been a thoughtful and innovative leader as Kirkland has grown over the last eight years. He deserves your vote for Kirkland City Council, Position 1.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Deputy Mayor Jay Arnold is running unopposed for re-election to Kirkland City Council, Position 1. Prior to joining the city council, Arnold served on the Kirkland Planning Commission for five years and co-chaired the campaign to provide dedicated funding for Kirkland parks. He also served on the boards of the environmental organizations Futurewise and Spark Northwest.

First elected to the council in 2013, Arnold has worked hard to improve Kirkland's transportation, sustainability, and inclusiveness. He has supported efforts to strengthen safe routes to schools, improve transit options and reduce congestion, and provide co-responders for mental health calls to the police. Arnold is also a part-time technology consultant at Fuse. He was not involved in this recommendation.

Arnold has been a thoughtful and innovative leader as Kirkland has grown over the last eight years. He deserves your vote for Kirkland City Council, Position 1.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Lacey City Council

Robin Vazquez is a Lacey Planning Commissioner running for Lacey City Council, Position 4. Her priorities include increasing access to affordable housing and providing more public transit and transportation choices. As a member of the commission, Vazquez has supported increasing the housing supply in Lacey to match the need for more affordable options. She mentions that as a certified instructor for teaching English as a second language and as a Community Emergency Response Team member, she wants to develop a city language access plan and multilingual disaster preparation.

Vazquez is running against Emma McSharry, who said her frustrations with the state's COVID regulations and homelessness spurred her to run for office. Her Facebook states that her three priorities include fiscal responsibility, supporting businesses, and cleanliness, though more detailed policies are not available on her website. This snapshot of her potential agenda, along with endorsements by the police officer's guild and Republican elected officials, indicate she would likely pursue a moderate to conservative agenda if elected.

Vazquez has earned the support of several members of the current city council, as well as a large number of city councilmembers from neighboring cities and progressive members of the state legislature. Vazquez is by far the best choice in this race.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Robin Vazquez is a Lacey Planning Commissioner running for Lacey City Council, Position 4. Her priorities include increasing access to affordable housing and providing more public transit and transportation choices. As a member of the commission, Vazquez has supported increasing the housing supply in Lacey to match the need for more affordable options. She mentions that as a certified instructor for teaching English as a second language and as a Community Emergency Response Team member, she wants to develop a city language access plan and multilingual disaster preparation.

Vazquez is running against Emma McSharry, who said her frustrations with the state's COVID regulations and homelessness spurred her to run for office. Her Facebook states that her three priorities include fiscal responsibility, supporting businesses, and cleanliness, though more detailed policies are not available on her website. This snapshot of her potential agenda, along with endorsements by the police officer's guild and Republican elected officials, indicate she would likely pursue a moderate to conservative agenda if elected.

Vazquez has earned the support of several members of the current city council, as well as a large number of city councilmembers from neighboring cities and progressive members of the state legislature. Vazquez is by far the best choice in this race.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Lynnwood City Council

Joshua Binda is running for Position 3 on the Lynnwood City Council. Binda is an Edmonds College alum and has professional experience as an aerospace mechanic at Boeing and in cybersecurity at Microsoft. He has extensive community leadership experience and chairs the Lynnwood Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission. Additionally, Binda serves on the boards of the WA-GRO Foundation and the League of Women Voters of Snohomish County.

If elected, Binda’s priorities include affordable housing, community budgeting, pedestrian and transit accessibility, drug counseling, and environmental protections. He will pursue this progressive agenda by leveraging his relationship with community members and drawing on his local leadership experience. Binda's inclusive platform has earned him a long list of endorsements from local leaders.

Binda is running against former Lynnwood Councilmember Lisa Utter. Utter served on the council from 1998 until 2009 and also worked on the Community Transit Board during that time. Until 2019, she was the executive director for the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Snohomish County. While not conservative, Utter lacks Binda's ambitious vision for Lynnwood's future.

We recommend Joshua Binda because of the support he has earned from our progressive partners.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Joshua Binda is running for Position 3 on the Lynnwood City Council. Binda is an Edmonds College alum and has professional experience as an aerospace mechanic at Boeing and in cybersecurity at Microsoft. He has extensive community leadership experience and chairs the Lynnwood Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission. Additionally, Binda serves on the boards of the WA-GRO Foundation and the League of Women Voters of Snohomish County.

If elected, Binda’s priorities include affordable housing, community budgeting, pedestrian and transit accessibility, drug counseling, and environmental protections. He will pursue this progressive agenda by leveraging his relationship with community members and drawing on his local leadership experience. Binda's inclusive platform has earned him a long list of endorsements from local leaders.

Binda is running against former Lynnwood Councilmember Lisa Utter. Utter served on the council from 1998 until 2009 and also worked on the Community Transit Board during that time. Until 2019, she was the executive director for the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Snohomish County. While not conservative, Utter lacks Binda's ambitious vision for Lynnwood's future.

We recommend Joshua Binda because of the support he has earned from our progressive partners.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Mill Creek City Council

Melissa Duque is running for Mill Creek City Council, Position 6. Duque has been a member of the Mill Creek Park and Recreation Board since 2018 and has served as board chair since 2020. Outside of public service, she works with nonprofits and foundations on communications and project management to build change.

If elected, Duque wants to expand and protect public green spaces, foster responsive and transparent government, ensure economic recovery for Mill Creek businesses, and be smart about city growth. Duque began to actualize some of these goals during her time on the Parks and Recreation Board, where she worked on the opening of Exploration Park and the updates to Heron Park. In this race, Duque has earned an impressive slate of endorsements from progressive leaders and Democratic organizations.

Duque is facing incumbent council member Adam Morgan. He first joined the council after being appointed in 2020 to fill the spot left vacant by Mike Todd. Morgan is running on a conservative platform that doesn't represent the people of Mill Creek. If re-elected, Morgan would reduce funding for essential services that support local families and keep our community safe.

We recommend Melissa Duque for Mill Creek City Council, Position 6 because of her progressive support and her strong community focus.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Melissa Duque is running for Mill Creek City Council, Position 6. Duque has been a member of the Mill Creek Park and Recreation Board since 2018 and has served as board chair since 2020. Outside of public service, she works with nonprofits and foundations on communications and project management to build change.

If elected, Duque wants to expand and protect public green spaces, foster responsive and transparent government, ensure economic recovery for Mill Creek businesses, and be smart about city growth. Duque began to actualize some of these goals during her time on the Parks and Recreation Board, where she worked on the opening of Exploration Park and the updates to Heron Park. In this race, Duque has earned an impressive slate of endorsements from progressive leaders and Democratic organizations.

Duque is facing incumbent council member Adam Morgan. He first joined the council after being appointed in 2020 to fill the spot left vacant by Mike Todd. Morgan is running on a conservative platform that doesn't represent the people of Mill Creek. If re-elected, Morgan would reduce funding for essential services that support local families and keep our community safe.

We recommend Melissa Duque for Mill Creek City Council, Position 6 because of her progressive support and her strong community focus.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Endorsed By: Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates , Sierra Club , Washington Conservation Action , Latino Progress, 44th Legislative District Democrats

Redmond City Council

Incumbent Dr. Jeralee Anderson was first elected to the Redmond City Council in 2017. She is the president and co-founder of Greenroads International, which rates and advocates for sustainable transportation infrastructure. She has also been recognized for her achievements at the state and national level, working on the Gov. Inslee-appointed Washington State Public Works Board, as an alternate on the King County Regional Transit Committee, and on the Cascade Water Alliance board of directors.

Anderson's re-election campaign is focused on climate action, improving infrastructure, and economic justice. She is committed to implementing the city's climate goals by 2030 and wants to expand the tree canopy. Anderson will prioritize reduce housing costs and rents so that seniors aren't displaced and first responders can live in the community they serve. In addition, she supports expanding mental health response services and focusing development around transit hubs.

Anderson faces a challenge from AT&T program manager Tara Van Niman. Her platform emphasizes the need to take local action on climate change, improve community engagement, and promote smart growth that accommodates the influx of people moving to Redmond. Van Niman has earned the endorsement of some local leaders like Sen. Manka Dhingra and Reps. Roger Goodman and Larry Springer.

Anderson's thoughtful platform and strong support from our Progressive Voters Guide partner organizations make her the best choice in this race.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Incumbent Dr. Jeralee Anderson was first elected to the Redmond City Council in 2017. She is the president and co-founder of Greenroads International, which rates and advocates for sustainable transportation infrastructure. She has also been recognized for her achievements at the state and national level, working on the Gov. Inslee-appointed Washington State Public Works Board, as an alternate on the King County Regional Transit Committee, and on the Cascade Water Alliance board of directors.

Anderson's re-election campaign is focused on climate action, improving infrastructure, and economic justice. She is committed to implementing the city's climate goals by 2030 and wants to expand the tree canopy. Anderson will prioritize reduce housing costs and rents so that seniors aren't displaced and first responders can live in the community they serve. In addition, she supports expanding mental health response services and focusing development around transit hubs.

Anderson faces a challenge from AT&T program manager Tara Van Niman. Her platform emphasizes the need to take local action on climate change, improve community engagement, and promote smart growth that accommodates the influx of people moving to Redmond. Van Niman has earned the endorsement of some local leaders like Sen. Manka Dhingra and Reps. Roger Goodman and Larry Springer.

Anderson's thoughtful platform and strong support from our Progressive Voters Guide partner organizations make her the best choice in this race.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

SeaTac City Council

Jake Simpson is an organizer and cook who is running for SeaTac City Council, Position 2. He is running to make SeaTac a city that welcomes everyone and serves all people equally. Simpson is dedicated to working with employers to find outcomes that benefit both workers and businesses.

Simpson is running against incumbent Stan Tombs. Tombs is conservative and re-joined the council in June 2020 after Councilmember Amina Ahmed passed away. He previously served as vice-chair of the SeaTac Planning Commission. Tombs said upon rejoining that he would be a placeholder until the next election but is now running for re-election.

Tombs claims he has a commitment to affordable housing and robust community services, but his actions are divisive and he votes with the more conservative bloc of the council against funding these services. He voted in December 2020 to eliminate funding from immigrant and refugee services. He also voted to not fund children and family services, medical equipment and guardianship for adults with developmental disabilities, or YMCA programming, all while boasting of doubling the number of police. None of these actions speak to the compassionate service for all that Tombs advertises. 

Simpson will bring needed progressive change to the SeaTac City Council. We recommend Simpson for SeaTac for City Council, Position 2.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Jake Simpson is an organizer and cook who is running for SeaTac City Council, Position 2. He is running to make SeaTac a city that welcomes everyone and serves all people equally. Simpson is dedicated to working with employers to find outcomes that benefit both workers and businesses.

Simpson is running against incumbent Stan Tombs. Tombs is conservative and re-joined the council in June 2020 after Councilmember Amina Ahmed passed away. He previously served as vice-chair of the SeaTac Planning Commission. Tombs said upon rejoining that he would be a placeholder until the next election but is now running for re-election.

Tombs claims he has a commitment to affordable housing and robust community services, but his actions are divisive and he votes with the more conservative bloc of the council against funding these services. He voted in December 2020 to eliminate funding from immigrant and refugee services. He also voted to not fund children and family services, medical equipment and guardianship for adults with developmental disabilities, or YMCA programming, all while boasting of doubling the number of police. None of these actions speak to the compassionate service for all that Tombs advertises. 

Simpson will bring needed progressive change to the SeaTac City Council. We recommend Simpson for SeaTac for City Council, Position 2.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Mohamed Egal is a job developer with the state's Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) who is running for SeaTac City Council, Position 4. Egal immigrated to the United States decades ago and has lived in SeaTac for more than 10 years. He served as a job developer at Hopelink before transitioning into similar work with the Somali community at Career Path Services (which operates within the DSHS). Egal's campaign is focused on helping his community overcome the many challenges exposed by COVID-19. He wants to expand affordable, multi-family housing, bring in more jobs that pay strong wages, and improve human services.

Egal is running against incumbent Councilmember Clyde "Fuzz" Hill, who works as a manager at T-Mobile. Hill is not progressive and has not released a detailed campaign platform. His statement in the King County Voters Guide does not reflect the need for reforms in public safety that the community is asking for.

Egal is the best choice for SeaTac City Council, Position 4.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Mohamed Egal is a job developer with the state's Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) who is running for SeaTac City Council, Position 4. Egal immigrated to the United States decades ago and has lived in SeaTac for more than 10 years. He served as a job developer at Hopelink before transitioning into similar work with the Somali community at Career Path Services (which operates within the DSHS). Egal's campaign is focused on helping his community overcome the many challenges exposed by COVID-19. He wants to expand affordable, multi-family housing, bring in more jobs that pay strong wages, and improve human services.

Egal is running against incumbent Councilmember Clyde "Fuzz" Hill, who works as a manager at T-Mobile. Hill is not progressive and has not released a detailed campaign platform. His statement in the King County Voters Guide does not reflect the need for reforms in public safety that the community is asking for.

Egal is the best choice for SeaTac City Council, Position 4.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Iris Guzmán is a social worker with Highline Public Schools who is running for SeaTac City Council, Position 6. She has lived in SeaTac for nearly 15 years and has a master's in social work. Guzmán wants to bridge the gaps between housing, food, and other basic needs for communities in SeaTac, and she understands the experience of working families firsthand.

Guzmán is challenging incumbent Councilmember Pam Fernald. Fernald is a block watch captain who participated in the CItizen's Police Academy. She is conservative and, as of mid-October, her campaign website has not been updated since 2013.

Guzmán is the clear choice for SeaTac City Council, Position 6.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Iris Guzmán is a social worker with Highline Public Schools who is running for SeaTac City Council, Position 6. She has lived in SeaTac for nearly 15 years and has a master's in social work. Guzmán wants to bridge the gaps between housing, food, and other basic needs for communities in SeaTac, and she understands the experience of working families firsthand.

Guzmán is challenging incumbent Councilmember Pam Fernald. Fernald is a block watch captain who participated in the CItizen's Police Academy. She is conservative and, as of mid-October, her campaign website has not been updated since 2013.

Guzmán is the clear choice for SeaTac City Council, Position 6.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Seattle Mayor

Born and raised in a migrant farm working family in central Washington, Lorena González has a background as an award-winning civil rights attorney that provides a foundation for her advocacy for working families and marginalized communities. González is a Seattle City Council member and the current council president. As one of the city’s leaders through times of prosperity and times of hardship, she is committed to making the city of Seattle a place where all can thrive. The unanimous vote to make her the city council president in early 2020 speaks to her ability to lead collaboratively and make bold progressive change.

The biggest divergence between Harrell and González's platforms is the candidates' short-term plans for how to help people experiencing homelessness. The crux of the problem, which experts and agencies have stated time and time again, is the lack of shelters with services to help people stay housed. The city has about 4,000 unsheltered people, and while there are about 1,300 affordable housing units and 400 additional shelter spaces coming soon, it is not enough. González would focus on building short- and long-term housing because the city needs to triple permanent affordable housing to meet everyone’s needs. She pledges to quickly scale up Seattle’s shelter system from the mayor’s office, which would include options such as tiny villages and leveraging hotels and motels. She would also make it a key focus to increase permanent, supportive housing and include additional funds for mental, behavioral, and substance use services.

Equitable economic recovery from COVID is a high priority for the councilmember. She vows to make sure that neighborhood small businesses, many of which are owned by people of color, receive equitable shares of recovery assistance. Other parts of her agenda seek to meet the needs of working families. For example, she wants to raise standards in the gig economy by ending sub-minimum wages and establish incentives for employee ownership in businesses. Improvements to child care access, bike and pedestrian paths, and building on renter protections round out some of her other priorities for improving the lives of everyone in the community.

González has played a lead role in existing police reform efforts by pivoting some law enforcement funding to community-led efforts to increase health and safety. She believes that as mayor, she could do even more to reverse the legacy of harm of police violence in the city, especially for communities of color and in communities with lower-than-average incomes. In our interview, González noted that Seattle’s police guild has disproportionate power at the negotiating table when it comes to holding officers accountable. The mayor has much more leverage than the council in negotiating a better contract, and if she is elected she will push harder than Mayor Durkan to increase accountability for officers and the department.

On issues of the climate, González wants to partner with Seattle for A Green New Deal to revitalize and expand the local green economy. She states that by actively retrofitting homes and modernizing industrial infrastructure, we can provide thousands of stable, high-quality jobs in the city.

González’s experience leaves her well-positioned to hit the ground running. Her advocacy and support for workers has earned her the trust of many labor unions and advocacy groups. She has a track record of working well with her colleagues to build consensus on the city’s most pressing issues. For her support for our partners and her forward-thinking platform, we recommend González for mayor of Seattle.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Born and raised in a migrant farm working family in central Washington, Lorena González has a background as an award-winning civil rights attorney that provides a foundation for her advocacy for working families and marginalized communities. González is a Seattle City Council member and the current council president. As one of the city’s leaders through times of prosperity and times of hardship, she is committed to making the city of Seattle a place where all can thrive. The unanimous vote to make her the city council president in early 2020 speaks to her ability to lead collaboratively and make bold progressive change.

The biggest divergence between Harrell and González's platforms is the candidates' short-term plans for how to help people experiencing homelessness. The crux of the problem, which experts and agencies have stated time and time again, is the lack of shelters with services to help people stay housed. The city has about 4,000 unsheltered people, and while there are about 1,300 affordable housing units and 400 additional shelter spaces coming soon, it is not enough. González would focus on building short- and long-term housing because the city needs to triple permanent affordable housing to meet everyone’s needs. She pledges to quickly scale up Seattle’s shelter system from the mayor’s office, which would include options such as tiny villages and leveraging hotels and motels. She would also make it a key focus to increase permanent, supportive housing and include additional funds for mental, behavioral, and substance use services.

Equitable economic recovery from COVID is a high priority for the councilmember. She vows to make sure that neighborhood small businesses, many of which are owned by people of color, receive equitable shares of recovery assistance. Other parts of her agenda seek to meet the needs of working families. For example, she wants to raise standards in the gig economy by ending sub-minimum wages and establish incentives for employee ownership in businesses. Improvements to child care access, bike and pedestrian paths, and building on renter protections round out some of her other priorities for improving the lives of everyone in the community.

González has played a lead role in existing police reform efforts by pivoting some law enforcement funding to community-led efforts to increase health and safety. She believes that as mayor, she could do even more to reverse the legacy of harm of police violence in the city, especially for communities of color and in communities with lower-than-average incomes. In our interview, González noted that Seattle’s police guild has disproportionate power at the negotiating table when it comes to holding officers accountable. The mayor has much more leverage than the council in negotiating a better contract, and if she is elected she will push harder than Mayor Durkan to increase accountability for officers and the department.

On issues of the climate, González wants to partner with Seattle for A Green New Deal to revitalize and expand the local green economy. She states that by actively retrofitting homes and modernizing industrial infrastructure, we can provide thousands of stable, high-quality jobs in the city.

González’s experience leaves her well-positioned to hit the ground running. Her advocacy and support for workers has earned her the trust of many labor unions and advocacy groups. She has a track record of working well with her colleagues to build consensus on the city’s most pressing issues. For her support for our partners and her forward-thinking platform, we recommend González for mayor of Seattle.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Seattle City Attorney

This is a complicated race for Seattle voters with two controversial candidates. After evaluating the candidates carefully, we believe that public defender Nicole Thomas-Kennedy is clearly the better choice.

Thomas-Kennedy is a managing partner in her own practice and she has volunteered with the National Lawyers Guild, completed pro bono defense work for local organizers, and worked extensively as a public defender.

There are many reasons to vote for Thomas-Kennedy. First, she is campaigning for common-sense justice reforms aimed at focusing on serious harms and crime prevention while stepping away from prosecuting people for poverty and mental illness. Second, her opponent switched parties to join Donald Trump’s party and run for lieutenant governor as a Republican in 2020. Third, Fox News and Tucker Carlson are attacking her for challenging their racist, conservative myths about reducing crime.

As a public defender, Thomas-Kennedy has witnessed many people get caught in the criminal legal system because of a lack of supportive social services. She wants to focus on using services to prevent crime by addressing the root causes and keep people from being entangled in the justice system. By emphasizing prevention, taxpayers improve safety and save money on law enforcement and the criminal justice system, which are by far the biggest costs of city and county governments.

There has been controversy about her use of the term abolition and some ill-advised tweets she posted after getting tear-gassed with her daughter during last year's protests. Although we don't condone her tweets, conservatives are drumming up fearful messaging about Thomas-Kennedy to distract us from the need for new approaches to fixing a failing system with urgent problems. In our interview, she defined abolition in a very sensible way as a slow process of building up the community so that we don’t need to rely on police, courts, and prisons as the catch-all solution for so many social issues.

If elected, Thomas-Kennedy wants to build a victim advocate unit and end qualified immunity in order to hold the police accountable. She also proposes strengthening the civil unit of the office in order to fight wage theft, take exploitive corporate landlords to court, and hold fossil fuel companies accountable for environmental harm which affects us all.

Thomas-Kennedy's opponent is Republican Ann Davison. Last year, Davison ran for lieutenant governor because she wanted to serve as a check on the Democrats in Olympia. Thankfully, Davison lost that primary election and Democratic lawmakers passed the most ambitious progressive agenda in decades this spring.

Davison is now running for Seattle city attorney echoing many of the same conservative Republican talking points from her previous campaign. Her divisive platform demonizes those experiencing homelessness and she doesn’t believe additional funding is needed to connect people with housing or services. During debates and in her campaign literature, she has displayed a lack of understanding about the role of the city attorney and how the office functions.

Thomas-Kennedy has faced misleading attacks from Fox News and right-wing radio hosts during this campaign. During our interview, she displayed a strong understanding of both the city attorney's office and the criminal justice system. We believe Thomas-Kennedy is the best choice for Seattle city attorney because of her experience representing marginalized Seattleites, her strong support from progressive advocates, and her commitment to pursuing justice for all Seattleites.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

This is a complicated race for Seattle voters with two controversial candidates. After evaluating the candidates carefully, we believe that public defender Nicole Thomas-Kennedy is clearly the better choice.

Thomas-Kennedy is a managing partner in her own practice and she has volunteered with the National Lawyers Guild, completed pro bono defense work for local organizers, and worked extensively as a public defender.

There are many reasons to vote for Thomas-Kennedy. First, she is campaigning for common-sense justice reforms aimed at focusing on serious harms and crime prevention while stepping away from prosecuting people for poverty and mental illness. Second, her opponent switched parties to join Donald Trump’s party and run for lieutenant governor as a Republican in 2020. Third, Fox News and Tucker Carlson are attacking her for challenging their racist, conservative myths about reducing crime.

As a public defender, Thomas-Kennedy has witnessed many people get caught in the criminal legal system because of a lack of supportive social services. She wants to focus on using services to prevent crime by addressing the root causes and keep people from being entangled in the justice system. By emphasizing prevention, taxpayers improve safety and save money on law enforcement and the criminal justice system, which are by far the biggest costs of city and county governments.

There has been controversy about her use of the term abolition and some ill-advised tweets she posted after getting tear-gassed with her daughter during last year's protests. Although we don't condone her tweets, conservatives are drumming up fearful messaging about Thomas-Kennedy to distract us from the need for new approaches to fixing a failing system with urgent problems. In our interview, she defined abolition in a very sensible way as a slow process of building up the community so that we don’t need to rely on police, courts, and prisons as the catch-all solution for so many social issues.

If elected, Thomas-Kennedy wants to build a victim advocate unit and end qualified immunity in order to hold the police accountable. She also proposes strengthening the civil unit of the office in order to fight wage theft, take exploitive corporate landlords to court, and hold fossil fuel companies accountable for environmental harm which affects us all.

Thomas-Kennedy's opponent is Republican Ann Davison. Last year, Davison ran for lieutenant governor because she wanted to serve as a check on the Democrats in Olympia. Thankfully, Davison lost that primary election and Democratic lawmakers passed the most ambitious progressive agenda in decades this spring.

Davison is now running for Seattle city attorney echoing many of the same conservative Republican talking points from her previous campaign. Her divisive platform demonizes those experiencing homelessness and she doesn’t believe additional funding is needed to connect people with housing or services. During debates and in her campaign literature, she has displayed a lack of understanding about the role of the city attorney and how the office functions.

Thomas-Kennedy has faced misleading attacks from Fox News and right-wing radio hosts during this campaign. During our interview, she displayed a strong understanding of both the city attorney's office and the criminal justice system. We believe Thomas-Kennedy is the best choice for Seattle city attorney because of her experience representing marginalized Seattleites, her strong support from progressive advocates, and her commitment to pursuing justice for all Seattleites.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Seattle City Council

Teresa Mosqueda is running for re-election to Seattle City Council, Position 8. Previously, Mosqueda worked at the Washington State Labor Council as a political campaigns director and served on the board of Fuse Washington.

Mosqueda was first elected in 2017 and has distinguished herself as a progressive leader on the Seattle City Council. She sponsored the Jumpstart Seattle legislation that will fund affordable housing through a tax on high earners at large corporations. In addition, Mosqueda supported efforts to expand paid sick leave and establish minimum wages for gig and other workers who have often been left behind in our economy. Her campaign priorities include addressing our housing crisis with greater urgency, including re-zoning housing across Seattle, as well as providing assistance to renters and investing in health citywide.

Mosqueda is running against Kenneth Wilson, the manager of an engineering company. Wilson's platform is not progressive and does not reflect the community's priorities. His voter's guide statement includes comments about public safety and policing that indicate he would not support reinvestment in community safety alternatives. He is also dismissive of evidence-based solutions for our affordable housing crisis.

Mosqueda is a strong progressive and the clear choice for Seattle City Council, Position 8.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Teresa Mosqueda is running for re-election to Seattle City Council, Position 8. Previously, Mosqueda worked at the Washington State Labor Council as a political campaigns director and served on the board of Fuse Washington.

Mosqueda was first elected in 2017 and has distinguished herself as a progressive leader on the Seattle City Council. She sponsored the Jumpstart Seattle legislation that will fund affordable housing through a tax on high earners at large corporations. In addition, Mosqueda supported efforts to expand paid sick leave and establish minimum wages for gig and other workers who have often been left behind in our economy. Her campaign priorities include addressing our housing crisis with greater urgency, including re-zoning housing across Seattle, as well as providing assistance to renters and investing in health citywide.

Mosqueda is running against Kenneth Wilson, the manager of an engineering company. Wilson's platform is not progressive and does not reflect the community's priorities. His voter's guide statement includes comments about public safety and policing that indicate he would not support reinvestment in community safety alternatives. He is also dismissive of evidence-based solutions for our affordable housing crisis.

Mosqueda is a strong progressive and the clear choice for Seattle City Council, Position 8.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Lawyer and community activist Nikkita Oliver is running for Seattle City Council, Position 9. Oliver, who uses they/them pronouns, works with numerous local groups including Urban Impact, the Urban Youth Leadership Academy, and the Union Gospel Mission’s Youth Reach Out Center. Oliver is an exceptionally progressive advocate who is incredibly dedicated to creating systemic change focused on the needs of communities of color and low-income Seattleites. They also serve as executive director of Creative Justice and is a member of coalitions like Decriminalize Seattle, Free Them All WA, and No New Youth Jail.

Their forward-looking platform is centered around economic, social, racial, and environmental justice. Oliver's top priorities include expanding affordable housing, redirecting some police funding to make investments in communities, and bringing a Green New Deal to Seattle. If elected, Oliver would pursue policies to give everyone the opportunity to thrive, including preparing for extreme weather driven by climate change season that disproportionately impacts Black, brown, and Indigenous communities, and providing municipal broadband for all.

Oliver is running against Sara Nelson, who co-founded and owns Fremont Brewing. She wants to bring her experience as a small business owner to the council and refocus the city on delivering basic services. Nelson does not support increasing investments in homelessness services and affordable housing, despite clear evidence from outside studies that the city's funding has been inadequate. She also opposes redirecting funds from the police department into community-based alternatives for public safety.

The Seattle City Council has a track record of crafting innovative solutions to some of the most important issues facing our community. From groundbreaking minimum wage and sick leave requirements to empowering workers with predictable schedules and hazard pay to pushing for bold action on climate and making the wealthy pay their share, the city council has worked to build a stronger and more inclusive city.

As we tackle big challenges with homelessness, police violence, climate change, and pandemic recovery, it's not the time to elect a cautious, business-oriented candidate who doesn't appear to be a catalyst for progressive change. Oliver is the clear choice in this race for Seattle City Council, Position 9.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Lawyer and community activist Nikkita Oliver is running for Seattle City Council, Position 9. Oliver, who uses they/them pronouns, works with numerous local groups including Urban Impact, the Urban Youth Leadership Academy, and the Union Gospel Mission’s Youth Reach Out Center. Oliver is an exceptionally progressive advocate who is incredibly dedicated to creating systemic change focused on the needs of communities of color and low-income Seattleites. They also serve as executive director of Creative Justice and is a member of coalitions like Decriminalize Seattle, Free Them All WA, and No New Youth Jail.

Their forward-looking platform is centered around economic, social, racial, and environmental justice. Oliver's top priorities include expanding affordable housing, redirecting some police funding to make investments in communities, and bringing a Green New Deal to Seattle. If elected, Oliver would pursue policies to give everyone the opportunity to thrive, including preparing for extreme weather driven by climate change season that disproportionately impacts Black, brown, and Indigenous communities, and providing municipal broadband for all.

Oliver is running against Sara Nelson, who co-founded and owns Fremont Brewing. She wants to bring her experience as a small business owner to the council and refocus the city on delivering basic services. Nelson does not support increasing investments in homelessness services and affordable housing, despite clear evidence from outside studies that the city's funding has been inadequate. She also opposes redirecting funds from the police department into community-based alternatives for public safety.

The Seattle City Council has a track record of crafting innovative solutions to some of the most important issues facing our community. From groundbreaking minimum wage and sick leave requirements to empowering workers with predictable schedules and hazard pay to pushing for bold action on climate and making the wealthy pay their share, the city council has worked to build a stronger and more inclusive city.

As we tackle big challenges with homelessness, police violence, climate change, and pandemic recovery, it's not the time to elect a cautious, business-oriented candidate who doesn't appear to be a catalyst for progressive change. Oliver is the clear choice in this race for Seattle City Council, Position 9.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Shoreline City Council

Christopher Roberts is running unopposed for re-election to Shoreline City Council, Position 7. He served as mayor of Shoreline from 2016 to 2017 and has served on the council since 2010. A member of the Choctaw Nation, Roberts has pushed for inclusive policies in local government and in the city itself. Roberts is seeking a regional approach to help Shoreline's people experiencing homelessness and is focusing on affordable housing and transportation in the upcoming years. He is also an advocate for affordable and reliable internet for all.

Roberts is unopposed in this race and deserves your vote for Shoreline City Council, Position 7.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Christopher Roberts is running unopposed for re-election to Shoreline City Council, Position 7. He served as mayor of Shoreline from 2016 to 2017 and has served on the council since 2010. A member of the Choctaw Nation, Roberts has pushed for inclusive policies in local government and in the city itself. Roberts is seeking a regional approach to help Shoreline's people experiencing homelessness and is focusing on affordable housing and transportation in the upcoming years. He is also an advocate for affordable and reliable internet for all.

Roberts is unopposed in this race and deserves your vote for Shoreline City Council, Position 7.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Endorsed By: Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates , Alliance for Gun Responsibility

Tacoma Mayor

Victoria Woodards is running for re-election to be the mayor of Tacoma. She had a long track record of public service before becoming mayor in 2017. Woodards supports working families and is committed to maintaining safe and healthy neighborhoods across Tacoma. She also crucially understands the importance of addressing institutional racism and has a demonstrated history of working within communities of color and building diverse coalitions to address the problems facing Tacoma. In her time on the Tacoma City Council, Woodards worked on establishing Tacoma’s Office of Equity and Human Rights.

While Woodards previously supported the proposal to build a highly polluting liquefied natural gas facility in Tacoma because it would have created jobs, she has since emphasized she does not support any new fossil fuel facilities in the Tideflats.

Woodards faces a challenge from Steve Haverly, a first-time candidate who works in construction and land management. Haverly does not have a detailed campaign platform. While he claims to be nonpartisan, what little campaign information he does have available demonstrates his priorities would not align with what Tacoma's communities need as we come together to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Woodards has earned broad support from our Progressive Voters Guide partner organizations and numerous elected officials. Woodards is the best choice for mayor of Tacoma.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Victoria Woodards is running for re-election to be the mayor of Tacoma. She had a long track record of public service before becoming mayor in 2017. Woodards supports working families and is committed to maintaining safe and healthy neighborhoods across Tacoma. She also crucially understands the importance of addressing institutional racism and has a demonstrated history of working within communities of color and building diverse coalitions to address the problems facing Tacoma. In her time on the Tacoma City Council, Woodards worked on establishing Tacoma’s Office of Equity and Human Rights.

While Woodards previously supported the proposal to build a highly polluting liquefied natural gas facility in Tacoma because it would have created jobs, she has since emphasized she does not support any new fossil fuel facilities in the Tideflats.

Woodards faces a challenge from Steve Haverly, a first-time candidate who works in construction and land management. Haverly does not have a detailed campaign platform. While he claims to be nonpartisan, what little campaign information he does have available demonstrates his priorities would not align with what Tacoma's communities need as we come together to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Woodards has earned broad support from our Progressive Voters Guide partner organizations and numerous elected officials. Woodards is the best choice for mayor of Tacoma.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Tacoma City Council

Catherine Ushka is running for re-election to Tacoma City Council, Position 4. Ushka was first elected to the council in 2017 and previously served on the Tacoma School Board for eight years. She chairs the Community Vitality and Safety Committee and is a member of groups including the Parks Policy Board and Opioid Prevention Taskforce.

In her time on the council, Ushka supported apprenticeship programs by changing labor codes to make these programs more accessible. If she's re-elected, Ushka wants to do more to fight racial inequalities in health, housing, education, employment, and law enforcement. She states that she will continue to work for more flexible federal funding for housing and shelters, including low-barrier shelters with fewer barriers to entry for the city's unhoused population. Ushka also feels the city needs to increase zoning density where suitable to address the housing deficit and provide additional resources for responding to mental health crises.

Also in this race is Israel James McKinney. McKinney has worked for Boeing and Xfinity and currently works for Washington’s Department of Social and Health Services. His platform includes prioritizing education, supporting police reform and accountability, and reducing the gap in affordable housing.

Our local council was disappointed with some of Ushka's interview answers, including her support for moving the migrant detention center to the Nalley Valley. However, Ushka’s support from local progressive groups and our partner organizations makes her the best choice in the race for Tacoma City Council, Position 4.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Catherine Ushka is running for re-election to Tacoma City Council, Position 4. Ushka was first elected to the council in 2017 and previously served on the Tacoma School Board for eight years. She chairs the Community Vitality and Safety Committee and is a member of groups including the Parks Policy Board and Opioid Prevention Taskforce.

In her time on the council, Ushka supported apprenticeship programs by changing labor codes to make these programs more accessible. If she's re-elected, Ushka wants to do more to fight racial inequalities in health, housing, education, employment, and law enforcement. She states that she will continue to work for more flexible federal funding for housing and shelters, including low-barrier shelters with fewer barriers to entry for the city's unhoused population. Ushka also feels the city needs to increase zoning density where suitable to address the housing deficit and provide additional resources for responding to mental health crises.

Also in this race is Israel James McKinney. McKinney has worked for Boeing and Xfinity and currently works for Washington’s Department of Social and Health Services. His platform includes prioritizing education, supporting police reform and accountability, and reducing the gap in affordable housing.

Our local council was disappointed with some of Ushka's interview answers, including her support for moving the migrant detention center to the Nalley Valley. However, Ushka’s support from local progressive groups and our partner organizations makes her the best choice in the race for Tacoma City Council, Position 4.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Anne Artman is running for Tacoma City Council, Position 5. She is the founder and executive director of the Tacoma Recovery Center and previously served as the program manager of the Multicultural Child and Family Hope Center.

Artman's campaign priorities include dealing with the affordable housing and homelessness crises, increasing behavioral health and social services, bringing more women-, Black-, brown-, and Indigenous-owned businesses to the community, and supporting Tacoma’s existing small businesses. She is also emphasizing social and racial justice and will work for more accountability, transparency, and equitable opportunities for all communities. Artman has been endorsed by progressive leaders like House Speaker Laurie Jinkins and Rep. Melanie Morgan and groups including the Stonewall Democrats and the National Women’s Political Caucus.

Artman is an exciting leader who has earned strong support from our Progressive Voters Guide partners, as well as progressive elected and community leaders. Artman is the best choice in the race for Tacoma City Council, Position 5.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Anne Artman is running for Tacoma City Council, Position 5. She is the founder and executive director of the Tacoma Recovery Center and previously served as the program manager of the Multicultural Child and Family Hope Center.

Artman's campaign priorities include dealing with the affordable housing and homelessness crises, increasing behavioral health and social services, bringing more women-, Black-, brown-, and Indigenous-owned businesses to the community, and supporting Tacoma’s existing small businesses. She is also emphasizing social and racial justice and will work for more accountability, transparency, and equitable opportunities for all communities. Artman has been endorsed by progressive leaders like House Speaker Laurie Jinkins and Rep. Melanie Morgan and groups including the Stonewall Democrats and the National Women’s Political Caucus.

Artman is an exciting leader who has earned strong support from our Progressive Voters Guide partners, as well as progressive elected and community leaders. Artman is the best choice in the race for Tacoma City Council, Position 5.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Kiara Daniels is running for Tacoma City Council, Position 6. She is a small business owner and former Fuse fellow with strong progressive values. Daniels' campaign platform includes a holistic response to public health emergencies like COVID-19 by providing financial support to vulnerable families, workers, small businesses, and all others who have been severely impacted. She wants to invest in after-school programs for students and fight for seniors and other community members to have the stable housing and resources they need. Daniels is very involved in the Tacoma community and would bring a great progressive perspective to the city council.

Also in this race is Brett Johnson, a business owner and member of the Sound Transit Citizen Oversight Panel. He previously ran for city council in 2019 and has expressed support for a radical policy of "gifting" everyone a single "lifetime discretionary abortion." Johnson is neither progressive nor qualified for this role.

Daniels is the clear choice for Tacoma City Council, Position 6.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Kiara Daniels is running for Tacoma City Council, Position 6. She is a small business owner and former Fuse fellow with strong progressive values. Daniels' campaign platform includes a holistic response to public health emergencies like COVID-19 by providing financial support to vulnerable families, workers, small businesses, and all others who have been severely impacted. She wants to invest in after-school programs for students and fight for seniors and other community members to have the stable housing and resources they need. Daniels is very involved in the Tacoma community and would bring a great progressive perspective to the city council.

Also in this race is Brett Johnson, a business owner and member of the Sound Transit Citizen Oversight Panel. He previously ran for city council in 2019 and has expressed support for a radical policy of "gifting" everyone a single "lifetime discretionary abortion." Johnson is neither progressive nor qualified for this role.

Daniels is the clear choice for Tacoma City Council, Position 6.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

City of Tacoma, District #2

Sarah Rumbaugh owns a consulting business and serves on the Tacoma Human Rights Commission. She previously worked as a city planner for Kent and with the Housing Equity Task Force helping to develop the Home in Tacoma Project.

Rumbaugh wants to tackle challenges like air and water pollution and decrease our reliance on fossil fuels without impacting the local economy or jobs in the area. Her campaign is emphasizing resetting the economy as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, bringing more affordable housing to Tacoma, and prioritizing frontline workers and their families. Rumbaugh is also a passionate advocate for people with disabilities and has pledged to listen and push the city to become inclusive. Her platform includes a commitment to public education and ensuring that all schools receive equitable funding, regardless of neighborhood or zip code. 

Rumbaugh is a good choice for Tacoma City Council, Position 2 if you are looking for a moderate candidate who is focused on boosting the local economy.

Last updated: 2023-08-28

Sarah Rumbaugh owns a consulting business and serves on the Tacoma Human Rights Commission. She previously worked as a city planner for Kent and with the Housing Equity Task Force helping to develop the Home in Tacoma Project.

Rumbaugh wants to tackle challenges like air and water pollution and decrease our reliance on fossil fuels without impacting the local economy or jobs in the area. Her campaign is emphasizing resetting the economy as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, bringing more affordable housing to Tacoma, and prioritizing frontline workers and their families. Rumbaugh is also a passionate advocate for people with disabilities and has pledged to listen and push the city to become inclusive. Her platform includes a commitment to public education and ensuring that all schools receive equitable funding, regardless of neighborhood or zip code. 

Rumbaugh is a good choice for Tacoma City Council, Position 2 if you are looking for a moderate candidate who is focused on boosting the local economy.

Last updated: 2023-08-28

Tukwila City Council

Incumbent De'Sean Quinn is a capital program manager at King County Metro. He volunteers in several capacities, including on the board of conservation organizations Forterra and as a member of the Strong Communities Fund.

Quinn has led the community on one of those most pressing issues of the last year - police accountability. Quinn serves on the state's Criminal Justice Commission and has made a point of speaking out about the murder of George Floyd and the need to make systematic changes to law enforcement. Over the past five years, use-of-force by the Tukwila Police Department has dropped by nearly 80 percent as de-escalation training increased, and specifically in Tukwila, community representatives review every use of force.

If re-elected, Quinn wants to continue the progress and create an opportunity fund to build resident coalitions to address safety and infrastructure needs. In addition, he supports rent and landlord assistance for those struggling in the pandemic, improving broadband access, diversifying transportation infrastructure, and continuing to support small businesses.

Opposing Quinn is Jay Stark, who is running as an independent. He volunteers for the Tukwila Community Oriented Policing Citizen’s Advisory Board and was the third-place finisher in last year's three-person race for Position 1 in Legislative District 11. As of late September, Stark has not added any specific policy priorities to his website, but his official voter's guide statement for 2020 says that he is concerned with bureaucracy and regulations on businesses.

Quinn has served the community well and has earned your vote for Tukwila City Council, Position 7.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Incumbent De'Sean Quinn is a capital program manager at King County Metro. He volunteers in several capacities, including on the board of conservation organizations Forterra and as a member of the Strong Communities Fund.

Quinn has led the community on one of those most pressing issues of the last year - police accountability. Quinn serves on the state's Criminal Justice Commission and has made a point of speaking out about the murder of George Floyd and the need to make systematic changes to law enforcement. Over the past five years, use-of-force by the Tukwila Police Department has dropped by nearly 80 percent as de-escalation training increased, and specifically in Tukwila, community representatives review every use of force.

If re-elected, Quinn wants to continue the progress and create an opportunity fund to build resident coalitions to address safety and infrastructure needs. In addition, he supports rent and landlord assistance for those struggling in the pandemic, improving broadband access, diversifying transportation infrastructure, and continuing to support small businesses.

Opposing Quinn is Jay Stark, who is running as an independent. He volunteers for the Tukwila Community Oriented Policing Citizen’s Advisory Board and was the third-place finisher in last year's three-person race for Position 1 in Legislative District 11. As of late September, Stark has not added any specific policy priorities to his website, but his official voter's guide statement for 2020 says that he is concerned with bureaucracy and regulations on businesses.

Quinn has served the community well and has earned your vote for Tukwila City Council, Position 7.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Spokane School Board

Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below school district races on your ballot.

Riley Smith, an operations coordinator at Feeding Washington, is running for Position 4 on the Spokane School Board. He grew up in Spokane and spent 13 years in the Spokane public school system. Aside from his nonprofit work, Smith works as a precinct committee officer and has previously aided a number of progressive campaigns. In his free time, he volunteers with Native Project COVAX Vaccination Clinic and Spokane Food Fighters.

If elected, Smith has two main focuses: expanding student mental health resources and investing in support for alternative career paths like apprenticeships and trade schools. A pre-pandemic study from the Washington State Department of Health showed that nearly 40% of Spokane students struggle with their mental health. As a result, Smith argues that access to mental health resources, services, and support is fundamental to achieving student success and building a stronger school system. Additionally, he believes that skill training for blue-collar jobs would ultimately expand student opportunity and success.

Life coach and mother of five Kata Dean is running to bring right-wing policy to the school board. She supports repealing meal programs, daycare support, and multicultural curriculums. Dean would also push for Christian doctrine to be taught alongside evolutionary biology in public schools. She is not only anti-choice and against same-sex marriage, but she believes her views should dictate the policy of the school board.

Smith is the clear choice in this race. He deserves your vote for Spokane School Board, Director Position 4.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Riley Smith, an operations coordinator at Feeding Washington, is running for Position 4 on the Spokane School Board. He grew up in Spokane and spent 13 years in the Spokane public school system. Aside from his nonprofit work, Smith works as a precinct committee officer and has previously aided a number of progressive campaigns. In his free time, he volunteers with Native Project COVAX Vaccination Clinic and Spokane Food Fighters.

If elected, Smith has two main focuses: expanding student mental health resources and investing in support for alternative career paths like apprenticeships and trade schools. A pre-pandemic study from the Washington State Department of Health showed that nearly 40% of Spokane students struggle with their mental health. As a result, Smith argues that access to mental health resources, services, and support is fundamental to achieving student success and building a stronger school system. Additionally, he believes that skill training for blue-collar jobs would ultimately expand student opportunity and success.

Life coach and mother of five Kata Dean is running to bring right-wing policy to the school board. She supports repealing meal programs, daycare support, and multicultural curriculums. Dean would also push for Christian doctrine to be taught alongside evolutionary biology in public schools. She is not only anti-choice and against same-sex marriage, but she believes her views should dictate the policy of the school board.

Smith is the clear choice in this race. He deserves your vote for Spokane School Board, Director Position 4.

Last updated: 2023-04-05

Endorsed By: Fuse , Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates , Spokane County Young Democrats, Spokane Regional Labor Council