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The Washington Bus

The Washington Bus Endorsements

The Washington Bus engages tomorrow's leaders on their own terms, and empowers them through education, civic and cultural engagement, and hands-on democracy. We take control of, and responsibility for, our own future by making sure our friends and peers are registered to vote, know the issues, and fill out their ballots.


Nick Brown is a former U.S. attorney for Western Washington running to protect the climate, our democracy, and Washingtonians' civil rights. Before his appointment by the Biden Administration in 2021, Brown worked as the general counsel for Gov. Jay Inslee. He also served in the US Army as a judge advocate general (JAG) officer, where he represented soldiers and the Army in legal matters, followed by working as a prosecutor. Brown has also served as chair of the attorney general’s Advisory Subcommittee on Civil Rights.

As the first Black U.S. attorney in the state's history, Brown notes that Washington is experiencing the highest number of hate crimes in 20 years. He wants to use the attorney general's office to implement laws that prosecute domestic terrorists, especially the burgeoning white supremacist movements that have threatened local leaders and committed violent hate crimes.

In our interview with Brown, he identified his top three priorities as strengthening the operations of the office, holding local jurisdictions accountable for upholding the law, and environmental enforcement. He emphasized his work with the attorney general's office as a special assistant attorney general and said that he would strive to build a more representative office and ensure they resolve problems with legal standards that led to the office receiving a fine last year. One of Brown's biggest accomplishments as an attorney was helping write Initiative 1639, Safe Schools and Safe Communities, which makes it illegal for anyone under 21 to own a semi-automatic rifle. He later defended the law against the NRA. Building from that success, Brown wants to continue to enforce laws against deadly weapons and defend the state against voter suppression, wage theft, and more. Brown also wants to enforce environmental laws strictly and uphold strong consumer protections by, for example, pursuing the ongoing investigation on monopolistic practices by landlords and rental companies to keep prices inflated.

Republican and Pasco attorney Pete Serrano is running to bring a conservative agenda to the attorney general's office. Serrano is the board president and general counsel of an organization that fights commonsense gun laws and public health mandates, and he was recently elected mayor of Pasco. He states that while he disagrees with these laws he will follow the state Constitution, but the Seattle Times also reported that he intended to remain "actively engaged" with the organization in a Facebook video on the organization's page. If elected he promises to "Make Washington Safe Again" and make the office more transparent. Serrano is not a progressive choice in this race.

Brown is the clear choice in the race to be the next Attorney General of Washington.

Last updated: 2024-09-25

Nick Brown is a former U.S. attorney for Western Washington running to protect the climate, our democracy, and Washingtonians' civil rights. Before his appointment by the Biden Administration in 2021, Brown worked as the general counsel for Gov. Jay Inslee. He also served in the US Army as a judge advocate general (JAG) officer, where he represented soldiers and the Army in legal matters, followed by working as a prosecutor. Brown has also served as chair of the attorney general’s Advisory Subcommittee on Civil Rights.

As the first Black U.S. attorney in the state's history, Brown notes that Washington is experiencing the highest number of hate crimes in 20 years. He wants to use the attorney general's office to implement laws that prosecute domestic terrorists, especially the burgeoning white supremacist movements that have threatened local leaders and committed violent hate crimes.

In our interview with Brown, he identified his top three priorities as strengthening the operations of the office, holding local jurisdictions accountable for upholding the law, and environmental enforcement. He emphasized his work with the attorney general's office as a special assistant attorney general and said that he would strive to build a more representative office and ensure they resolve problems with legal standards that led to the office receiving a fine last year. One of Brown's biggest accomplishments as an attorney was helping write Initiative 1639, Safe Schools and Safe Communities, which makes it illegal for anyone under 21 to own a semi-automatic rifle. He later defended the law against the NRA. Building from that success, Brown wants to continue to enforce laws against deadly weapons and defend the state against voter suppression, wage theft, and more. Brown also wants to enforce environmental laws strictly and uphold strong consumer protections by, for example, pursuing the ongoing investigation on monopolistic practices by landlords and rental companies to keep prices inflated.

Republican and Pasco attorney Pete Serrano is running to bring a conservative agenda to the attorney general's office. Serrano is the board president and general counsel of an organization that fights commonsense gun laws and public health mandates, and he was recently elected mayor of Pasco. He states that while he disagrees with these laws he will follow the state Constitution, but the Seattle Times also reported that he intended to remain "actively engaged" with the organization in a Facebook video on the organization's page. If elected he promises to "Make Washington Safe Again" and make the office more transparent. Serrano is not a progressive choice in this race.

Brown is the clear choice in the race to be the next Attorney General of Washington.

Last updated: 2024-09-25

Incumbent Chris Reykdal is running for a third term in the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). Reykdal has been a strong champion for public education as superintendent, during his six years in the Legislature, and in 14 years on local school boards or in leadership positions at educational institutions.

The superintendent's office provides resources and guidance on language access, student safety, school district budgeting, and meeting student needs to Washington's 295 public school districts and 6 state-tribal education compact schools. In office, Reykdal has worked to reduce learning gaps, raise educator salaries, increase free meal access, and expand dual and tribal language learning programs.

In our interview, Reykdal acknowledged that the pandemic and declining birth rates have affected enrollment rates in public schools. Despite this challenge, he was proud that districts have made gains in other areas like retaining teachers of color. He identified the decrease in state funding, relative to inflation, as a fundamental challenge facing public schools. He reiterated his commitment to advocating for the Legislature to increase funding per student and allow districts to fund special education. He also expressed his commitment to keeping schools public, rejecting vouchers, and improving mental health support for students. This year, OSPI offered legislation to increase paraeducator pay to attract and retain these critical classroom supports. Finally, he cited his experience running a large state agency for the last eight years as a key strength compared with his less experienced opponents.

Gig Harbor School Board member David Olson is challenging Reykdal on a reactionary right-wing. Like many conservative school board directors, he welcomes conservative, politically-motivated censorship that would block access to books and multicultural programming. Olson also wants to employ strict guidelines in our schools that penalize students who are struggling the most. According to The Seattle Times, he told the Washington Republican Party convention "that if every high school graduate opted for the skilled trades instead of pursuing a four-year degree, universities 'could all go bankrupt and that would save America.'" Olson's extremism and conspiracy theories are completely disqualifying for someone looking to lead our state's public education system.

Reykdal has strong support from educators across the state and has earned your vote for re-election.

Last updated: 2024-09-25

Incumbent Chris Reykdal is running for a third term in the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). Reykdal has been a strong champion for public education as superintendent, during his six years in the Legislature, and in 14 years on local school boards or in leadership positions at educational institutions.

The superintendent's office provides resources and guidance on language access, student safety, school district budgeting, and meeting student needs to Washington's 295 public school districts and 6 state-tribal education compact schools. In office, Reykdal has worked to reduce learning gaps, raise educator salaries, increase free meal access, and expand dual and tribal language learning programs.

In our interview, Reykdal acknowledged that the pandemic and declining birth rates have affected enrollment rates in public schools. Despite this challenge, he was proud that districts have made gains in other areas like retaining teachers of color. He identified the decrease in state funding, relative to inflation, as a fundamental challenge facing public schools. He reiterated his commitment to advocating for the Legislature to increase funding per student and allow districts to fund special education. He also expressed his commitment to keeping schools public, rejecting vouchers, and improving mental health support for students. This year, OSPI offered legislation to increase paraeducator pay to attract and retain these critical classroom supports. Finally, he cited his experience running a large state agency for the last eight years as a key strength compared with his less experienced opponents.

Gig Harbor School Board member David Olson is challenging Reykdal on a reactionary right-wing. Like many conservative school board directors, he welcomes conservative, politically-motivated censorship that would block access to books and multicultural programming. Olson also wants to employ strict guidelines in our schools that penalize students who are struggling the most. According to The Seattle Times, he told the Washington Republican Party convention "that if every high school graduate opted for the skilled trades instead of pursuing a four-year degree, universities 'could all go bankrupt and that would save America.'" Olson's extremism and conspiracy theories are completely disqualifying for someone looking to lead our state's public education system.

Reykdal has strong support from educators across the state and has earned your vote for re-election.

Last updated: 2024-09-25

State Senator and attorney Patty Kuderer is running for Washington insurance commissioner. She has served the 48th Legislative District since 2015 when she was appointed to the state House before being appointed to fill the Senate seat vacancy in 2017.

Kuderer has been one of the most active sponsors of progressive bills in the Legislature. This year, she was the primary sponsor of a successful bill to ensure NARCAN is available in Washington schools. As a secondary sponsor, she helped to pass a slate of progressive bills, including ensuring that valid ballots are not unduly rejected, limiting the ability to bring firearms to public places like zoos, transit stations, and libraries, and aligning state and federal financial aid programs. Kuderer is now campaigning for insurance commissioner on a progressive platform that includes exploring universal health care, reducing auto insurance costs, expanding cancer screening for firefighters, and improving access to climate change insurance for homeowners and businesses.

Republican state Senator Phil Fortunato is also running for the commissioner position. Fortunato was first elected to represent the 31st Legislative District in Olympia in 2016 as a representative before being immediately appointed to an open Senate seat. Outside public service, his professional background is in erosion control and stormwater management. In the Legislature, Fortunato was the primary sponsor of many far-right bills, including legislation to strip abortion rights for some Washingtonians and to oppose commonsense gun safety policy. If he's elected insurance commissioner, Fortunato wants to remove regulations that keep health care costs lower. He is vehemently opposed to universal health care policies that would allow all Washingtonians, regardless of income status, to access the care and medicine they need.

We recommend Patty Kuderer for Washington insurance commissioner because of her strong background in public service and clear vision for the office.

Last updated: 2024-09-25

State Senator and attorney Patty Kuderer is running for Washington insurance commissioner. She has served the 48th Legislative District since 2015 when she was appointed to the state House before being appointed to fill the Senate seat vacancy in 2017.

Kuderer has been one of the most active sponsors of progressive bills in the Legislature. This year, she was the primary sponsor of a successful bill to ensure NARCAN is available in Washington schools. As a secondary sponsor, she helped to pass a slate of progressive bills, including ensuring that valid ballots are not unduly rejected, limiting the ability to bring firearms to public places like zoos, transit stations, and libraries, and aligning state and federal financial aid programs. Kuderer is now campaigning for insurance commissioner on a progressive platform that includes exploring universal health care, reducing auto insurance costs, expanding cancer screening for firefighters, and improving access to climate change insurance for homeowners and businesses.

Republican state Senator Phil Fortunato is also running for the commissioner position. Fortunato was first elected to represent the 31st Legislative District in Olympia in 2016 as a representative before being immediately appointed to an open Senate seat. Outside public service, his professional background is in erosion control and stormwater management. In the Legislature, Fortunato was the primary sponsor of many far-right bills, including legislation to strip abortion rights for some Washingtonians and to oppose commonsense gun safety policy. If he's elected insurance commissioner, Fortunato wants to remove regulations that keep health care costs lower. He is vehemently opposed to universal health care policies that would allow all Washingtonians, regardless of income status, to access the care and medicine they need.

We recommend Patty Kuderer for Washington insurance commissioner because of her strong background in public service and clear vision for the office.

Last updated: 2024-09-25

Legislative Races

Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below legislative races on your ballot.

14th Legislative District

Maria Beltran is running for the newly formed 14th Legislative District's Senate seat. A community organizer since the age of 19, she has worked in the office of U.S. Rep. Kim Schrier and campaigned for state Rep. Debra Entenman. Beltran is the youngest board chair to serve for the nonprofit group OneAmerica, which organizes immigrant and refugee leaders for civic engagement, political advocacy, and more. As the daughter of Mexican immigrants, Beltran is running to improve the lives of all in the district.

In our interview, Beltran stated that affordability in all its aspects is one of the biggest problems she's aiming to tackle. She wants to lower the cost of housing by diversifying the housing market with more housing types, prioritizing faster construction, adding more transitional housing, and providing more direct assistance to people who have become unsheltered. Beltran wants to see more effort made to reduce gang and gun violence by providing after-school programs, support for the formerly incarcerated, and programs that serve victims of domestic violence. Her pragmatic and forward-leaning platform has earned her the endorsement of many legislators, local elected officials, labor unions, and community advocates.

Beltran is running against incumbent Sen. Curtis King, who has served the 14th Legislative District since 2007 and is currently the ranking Republican on the Senate Transportation Committee. Unfortunately, King has spent his tenure in the Legislative voting against priorities that make our communities safer and healthier. He opposed commonsense gun safety laws that require background checks and firearm safety programs for buyers. King also defended oil companies and opposed efforts to make big companies pay for their pollution.

Beltran is the clear choice for state Senate from District 14.

Last updated: 2024-09-24

Maria Beltran is running for the newly formed 14th Legislative District's Senate seat. A community organizer since the age of 19, she has worked in the office of U.S. Rep. Kim Schrier and campaigned for state Rep. Debra Entenman. Beltran is the youngest board chair to serve for the nonprofit group OneAmerica, which organizes immigrant and refugee leaders for civic engagement, political advocacy, and more. As the daughter of Mexican immigrants, Beltran is running to improve the lives of all in the district.

In our interview, Beltran stated that affordability in all its aspects is one of the biggest problems she's aiming to tackle. She wants to lower the cost of housing by diversifying the housing market with more housing types, prioritizing faster construction, adding more transitional housing, and providing more direct assistance to people who have become unsheltered. Beltran wants to see more effort made to reduce gang and gun violence by providing after-school programs, support for the formerly incarcerated, and programs that serve victims of domestic violence. Her pragmatic and forward-leaning platform has earned her the endorsement of many legislators, local elected officials, labor unions, and community advocates.

Beltran is running against incumbent Sen. Curtis King, who has served the 14th Legislative District since 2007 and is currently the ranking Republican on the Senate Transportation Committee. Unfortunately, King has spent his tenure in the Legislative voting against priorities that make our communities safer and healthier. He opposed commonsense gun safety laws that require background checks and firearm safety programs for buyers. King also defended oil companies and opposed efforts to make big companies pay for their pollution.

Beltran is the clear choice for state Senate from District 14.

Last updated: 2024-09-24

Democrat Chelsea Dimas is running for the newly redistricted 14th Legislative District, Position 1. If elected, she states that she would be the first openly Queer, Indigenous, Latinx woman in the Legislature. Dimas has spent her life working as an activist for the rights of farmworkers and immigrants. She wants to bring these experiences to Olympia to strengthen protections for working people and make progress on the housing crisis.

Dimas wants to establish housing as a human right and pass a range of bills to bring costs down and increase accessibility. Tenant protections, downpayment assistance, and prioritizing affordable housing are also at the top of her list for addressing the housing crisis. Dimas knows working families need a boost in the form of livable wages, safe working conditions, and good benefits, which she wants to secure for all residents regardless of immigration status. If elected, Dimas wants to bring in more resources for public health issues like substance abuse and for environmental protections. Her work in the labor community and her strong progressive platform have earned Dimas a huge slate of diverse endorsements, from many labor unions to environmental groups.

Also in this race is former Grandview mayor Gloria Mendoza who is running to pull Olympia further to the right. She served on the Grandview City Council for three years and as mayor for five until losing her re-election bid in 2023. Mendoza owns several businesses, including founding a vocational training business for agriculture workers. On her website, she offers vague Republican talking points but has not released a detailed campaign plan or specific policy positions as of late August.

With her experience and commitment to the people of Washington, Dimas is the best choice in this race.

Last updated: 2024-09-20

Democrat Chelsea Dimas is running for the newly redistricted 14th Legislative District, Position 1. If elected, she states that she would be the first openly Queer, Indigenous, Latinx woman in the Legislature. Dimas has spent her life working as an activist for the rights of farmworkers and immigrants. She wants to bring these experiences to Olympia to strengthen protections for working people and make progress on the housing crisis.

Dimas wants to establish housing as a human right and pass a range of bills to bring costs down and increase accessibility. Tenant protections, downpayment assistance, and prioritizing affordable housing are also at the top of her list for addressing the housing crisis. Dimas knows working families need a boost in the form of livable wages, safe working conditions, and good benefits, which she wants to secure for all residents regardless of immigration status. If elected, Dimas wants to bring in more resources for public health issues like substance abuse and for environmental protections. Her work in the labor community and her strong progressive platform have earned Dimas a huge slate of diverse endorsements, from many labor unions to environmental groups.

Also in this race is former Grandview mayor Gloria Mendoza who is running to pull Olympia further to the right. She served on the Grandview City Council for three years and as mayor for five until losing her re-election bid in 2023. Mendoza owns several businesses, including founding a vocational training business for agriculture workers. On her website, she offers vague Republican talking points but has not released a detailed campaign plan or specific policy positions as of late August.

With her experience and commitment to the people of Washington, Dimas is the best choice in this race.

Last updated: 2024-09-20

Democrat Ana Ruiz Kennedy is running for Position 2 in the newly formed 14th Legislative District. Kennedy wants to be a "moderating voice" who can bridge political divides to get things done for the residents of the district. Kennedy has served in many community leadership roles, including on the Washington Commission on Hispanic Affairs and on the board of organizations like Progreso and Latino Community Fund. She works as a business liaison at Craft3, a non-profit community development financial organization. 

Kennedy's voters' pamphlet statement shares that she wants to create living wage jobs, support local businesses, tackle fentanyl issues, and strengthen our health care access and services. If elected, Kennedy would also work across the aisle to make bold progress on housing access, so that everyone in the district can find good, permanent housing at any income level. Her platform has earned her the endorsement of the county Democrats, many labor unions, and more. 

Republican Deb Manjarrez is also in this race, though her candidate website is not working as of late August. Manjarrez She started her own accounting business, was president of the Wapato Chamber of Commerce for 10 years, and is a past chair of the Yakima County Republican Central Committee. Her campaign pillars are cutting public funding and representing the interests of the agricultural industry. Manjarrez's activism experience makes it clear that she would follow the Republican-party line in Olympia if elected.

We recommend Ana Ruiz Kennedy for Legislative District 14, House Position 2.

Last updated: 2024-09-20

Democrat Ana Ruiz Kennedy is running for Position 2 in the newly formed 14th Legislative District. Kennedy wants to be a "moderating voice" who can bridge political divides to get things done for the residents of the district. Kennedy has served in many community leadership roles, including on the Washington Commission on Hispanic Affairs and on the board of organizations like Progreso and Latino Community Fund. She works as a business liaison at Craft3, a non-profit community development financial organization. 

Kennedy's voters' pamphlet statement shares that she wants to create living wage jobs, support local businesses, tackle fentanyl issues, and strengthen our health care access and services. If elected, Kennedy would also work across the aisle to make bold progress on housing access, so that everyone in the district can find good, permanent housing at any income level. Her platform has earned her the endorsement of the county Democrats, many labor unions, and more. 

Republican Deb Manjarrez is also in this race, though her candidate website is not working as of late August. Manjarrez She started her own accounting business, was president of the Wapato Chamber of Commerce for 10 years, and is a past chair of the Yakima County Republican Central Committee. Her campaign pillars are cutting public funding and representing the interests of the agricultural industry. Manjarrez's activism experience makes it clear that she would follow the Republican-party line in Olympia if elected.

We recommend Ana Ruiz Kennedy for Legislative District 14, House Position 2.

Last updated: 2024-09-20

28th Legislative District

Sen. T'wina Nobles is running for re-election for the 28th Legislative District Senate seat to continue her outstanding work in Olympia. Nobles is the president and CEO of the Tacoma Urban League, an organization that helps underserved communities navigate difficult economic times. She has worked in education for 15 years as an instructor, University Place School Board director, and PTA leader.

As chair of the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee, she has dedicated herself to improving the lives of students across the state. Nobles sponsored a bill signed into law this year that will help youth in foster care thrive by providing them access to financial literacy education and banking. She also sponsored bills this session to increase access to free meals for students in need, establish collective bargaining rights for employed students, and make financial aid more accessible for postsecondary school students. As the only Black member of the Senate, Nobles has worked hard to improve equity for all in the state.

If elected, Nobles wants to increase pay for teachers, reduce class sizes, and work to make schools more inclusive and equitable. She knows more needs to be done to ensure families in the 28th LD are healthy and safe, which she believes includes gun violence prevention, addiction recovery and mental health resources, and better health care access.

Nobles faces a challenge from Republican Maia Espinoza who has served on the Governor's Commission on Hispanic Affairs and is the executive director and founder of the Center for Latino Leadership, a civic engagement organization. This is Espinoza's fourth run for public office, with failed runs for Lakewood City Council, state representative, and Superintendent of Public Education. Espinoza's previous campaigns have been newsworthy for a lawsuit against her for false claims about her opponent's stance on comprehensive sexual health education, which Espinoza has stood against despite research showing healthier outcomes for students who learn about consent and their own health. She was also dinged in her 2020 race against Reykdal for falsely listing her organization as a nonprofit when it didn't meet the criteria. Her brief list of policy priorities this year includes right-wing dog whistles involving parental rights, which conservatives have used this year to try and siphon off public funding for private schools and enact book bans.

Nobles has been a standout progressive leader and has earned your vote for re-election to the state Senate.

Last updated: 2024-09-20

Sen. T'wina Nobles is running for re-election for the 28th Legislative District Senate seat to continue her outstanding work in Olympia. Nobles is the president and CEO of the Tacoma Urban League, an organization that helps underserved communities navigate difficult economic times. She has worked in education for 15 years as an instructor, University Place School Board director, and PTA leader.

As chair of the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee, she has dedicated herself to improving the lives of students across the state. Nobles sponsored a bill signed into law this year that will help youth in foster care thrive by providing them access to financial literacy education and banking. She also sponsored bills this session to increase access to free meals for students in need, establish collective bargaining rights for employed students, and make financial aid more accessible for postsecondary school students. As the only Black member of the Senate, Nobles has worked hard to improve equity for all in the state.

If elected, Nobles wants to increase pay for teachers, reduce class sizes, and work to make schools more inclusive and equitable. She knows more needs to be done to ensure families in the 28th LD are healthy and safe, which she believes includes gun violence prevention, addiction recovery and mental health resources, and better health care access.

Nobles faces a challenge from Republican Maia Espinoza who has served on the Governor's Commission on Hispanic Affairs and is the executive director and founder of the Center for Latino Leadership, a civic engagement organization. This is Espinoza's fourth run for public office, with failed runs for Lakewood City Council, state representative, and Superintendent of Public Education. Espinoza's previous campaigns have been newsworthy for a lawsuit against her for false claims about her opponent's stance on comprehensive sexual health education, which Espinoza has stood against despite research showing healthier outcomes for students who learn about consent and their own health. She was also dinged in her 2020 race against Reykdal for falsely listing her organization as a nonprofit when it didn't meet the criteria. Her brief list of policy priorities this year includes right-wing dog whistles involving parental rights, which conservatives have used this year to try and siphon off public funding for private schools and enact book bans.

Nobles has been a standout progressive leader and has earned your vote for re-election to the state Senate.

Last updated: 2024-09-20

Pierce County

Depending on where you live, you may have the below county races on your ballot.

Democrat Ryan Mello is running for Pierce County Executive. Mello currently chairs the Pierce County Council and previously served on the Tacoma City Council for nine years. Mello is an environmental champion who worked as executive director of the Pierce Conservation District, and he has served on a number of local committees focused on transportation and the climate. He was also Tacoma's first openly gay council member. 

Mello has been an important and effective progressive leader in Pierce County. As a county council member, he has worked to improve housing affordability, fight climate change, and reduce injustice in the criminal legal system. Now, he is campaigning on a vision to address community needs and raise the quality of life for all Pierce residents. If elected, he wants to support family-wage jobs, improve public safety, and invest in public transportation, parks, and public greenspaces. 

Mello is running against conservative Republican Rep. Kelly Chambers, who currently serves the 25th Legislative District in Olympia. First elected to the Legislature in 2018, Chambers has consistently voted the Republican Party line in the Legislature. She supports banning abortion and has consistently voted against women's health protections. She opposed commonsense laws to reduce gun violence in our communities. Finally, she voted against legislation to protect our clean air and water and opposed workers' rights and labor union protections. 

Pierce County deserves a leader who will bring us together and fight for our everyday needs. Ryan Mello is the clear choice for Pierce County Executive.

Last updated: 2024-09-20

Democrat Ryan Mello is running for Pierce County Executive. Mello currently chairs the Pierce County Council and previously served on the Tacoma City Council for nine years. Mello is an environmental champion who worked as executive director of the Pierce Conservation District, and he has served on a number of local committees focused on transportation and the climate. He was also Tacoma's first openly gay council member. 

Mello has been an important and effective progressive leader in Pierce County. As a county council member, he has worked to improve housing affordability, fight climate change, and reduce injustice in the criminal legal system. Now, he is campaigning on a vision to address community needs and raise the quality of life for all Pierce residents. If elected, he wants to support family-wage jobs, improve public safety, and invest in public transportation, parks, and public greenspaces. 

Mello is running against conservative Republican Rep. Kelly Chambers, who currently serves the 25th Legislative District in Olympia. First elected to the Legislature in 2018, Chambers has consistently voted the Republican Party line in the Legislature. She supports banning abortion and has consistently voted against women's health protections. She opposed commonsense laws to reduce gun violence in our communities. Finally, she voted against legislation to protect our clean air and water and opposed workers' rights and labor union protections. 

Pierce County deserves a leader who will bring us together and fight for our everyday needs. Ryan Mello is the clear choice for Pierce County Executive.

Last updated: 2024-09-20

Seattle City Council

Depending on where you live, you may have the following city races on your ballot.

Alexis Mercedes Rinck would bring a strong mix of professional and lived experience to the Seattle City Council in Position 8. She currently works for the University of Washington as the assistant director for policy, planning, and state operations, and before that, she worked for King County Regional Housing Authority in equity and engagement. She also previously served on the board of Fuse Washington, which produces this guide.

Rinck is running for city council with a bold, optimistic vision for uplifting our diverse community. Her family members experienced incarceration, substance use disorder, and homelessness during her childhood, profoundly shaping her outlook and advocacy for our social safety net. Some of Rinck's top priorities include addressing the housing crisis, mitigating the effects of climate change on our city, investing in pathways to higher education, and increasing community safety, including through policing alternatives and gun violence prevention. Rinck is a strong advocate of clean energy, electrification infrastructure, and transit investments, among other green improvements to the city. In this race, she has outshined her opponents with broad community endorsements from unions, local Democrats, and progressive elected leaders in Seattle.

Incumbent council member Tanya Woo is running for a full term. Woo was first appointed to the council this January to fill Teresa Mosqueda’s vacant seat after losing her race against Tammy Morales last year. Outside of public service, she runs a local restaurant and a housing complex. Woo’s biggest campaign pillar is public safety, and she advocates for community harm reduction while simultaneously promoting more conservative narratives about crime rates and policing. She also wants to address the housing crisis through investments in crisis intervention and support services. In this race, Woo has faced pressure to recuse herself from voting on a proposal to roll back the minimum wage for gig workers. Rather than heeding the advice of Wayne Barnett, the Executive Director of Seattle Ethics and Elections, she is seeking a second opinion. Woo's conservative-leaning, pro-corporate positions are not a good fit to solve Seattle's current challenges.

We recommend Alexis Mercedes Rinck for Seattle City Council, Position 8 because of her strong support from our partner organizations and her progressive vision for the city.

Last updated: 2024-09-20

Alexis Mercedes Rinck would bring a strong mix of professional and lived experience to the Seattle City Council in Position 8. She currently works for the University of Washington as the assistant director for policy, planning, and state operations, and before that, she worked for King County Regional Housing Authority in equity and engagement. She also previously served on the board of Fuse Washington, which produces this guide.

Rinck is running for city council with a bold, optimistic vision for uplifting our diverse community. Her family members experienced incarceration, substance use disorder, and homelessness during her childhood, profoundly shaping her outlook and advocacy for our social safety net. Some of Rinck's top priorities include addressing the housing crisis, mitigating the effects of climate change on our city, investing in pathways to higher education, and increasing community safety, including through policing alternatives and gun violence prevention. Rinck is a strong advocate of clean energy, electrification infrastructure, and transit investments, among other green improvements to the city. In this race, she has outshined her opponents with broad community endorsements from unions, local Democrats, and progressive elected leaders in Seattle.

Incumbent council member Tanya Woo is running for a full term. Woo was first appointed to the council this January to fill Teresa Mosqueda’s vacant seat after losing her race against Tammy Morales last year. Outside of public service, she runs a local restaurant and a housing complex. Woo’s biggest campaign pillar is public safety, and she advocates for community harm reduction while simultaneously promoting more conservative narratives about crime rates and policing. She also wants to address the housing crisis through investments in crisis intervention and support services. In this race, Woo has faced pressure to recuse herself from voting on a proposal to roll back the minimum wage for gig workers. Rather than heeding the advice of Wayne Barnett, the Executive Director of Seattle Ethics and Elections, she is seeking a second opinion. Woo's conservative-leaning, pro-corporate positions are not a good fit to solve Seattle's current challenges.

We recommend Alexis Mercedes Rinck for Seattle City Council, Position 8 because of her strong support from our partner organizations and her progressive vision for the city.

Last updated: 2024-09-20